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Created December 23, 2021 17:59
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P.<x,y> = ZZ[]
R = P.quo((x^10 - 1, y^22 - y^21))
die = x + x^2 + x^3
f = P.hom([x*y, y])
def reduce(f):
return R.cover()(f).lift()
def next_move(p):
p = p - p.coefficient(y^21) * y^21 # Remove the already-won games
return reduce(y*f( reduce(p * die^3) ))
# You can’t win in fewer than 3 moves, because you
# score at most 10 points per move
# After 10 moves, your score will always be ≥ 21, because
# the lowest-scoring nine-move sequence is
# 3 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 20.
# So the winning player must play between 3 and 10 moves (inclusive).
from itertools import accumulate, repeat
def player(starting_position):
polynomials = accumulate(
repeat(x^(starting_position - 1), 11),
lambda p, _: next_move(p)
# Return a list of pairs (# wins, # non-wins)
return [
(f.coefficient(y^21).subs(x=1), f.subs(x=1, y=1) - f.coefficient(y^21).subs(x=1))
for f in polynomials
player_1 = player(4)
player_2 = player(8)
player_1_wins = sum([ player_1[i][0] * player_2[i-1][1] for i in (3..10) ])
player_2_wins = sum([ player_1[i][1] * player_2[i][0] for i in (3..10) ])
print(max(player_1_wins, player_2_wins))
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