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Created January 16, 2017 22:31
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Weight-biased leftist heap (exercise 3.3 of Purely Functional Data Structures)
functor WBLHeap(Element : ORDERED) : HEAP =
structure Elem = Element
datatype Heap = E
| T of int * Elem.T * Heap * Heap
val empty = E
fun isEmpty E = true
| isEmpty _ = false
fun weight E = 0
| weight (T(w, _, _, _)) = w
fun singleton x = T(1, x, E, E)
fun merge (E, h) = h
| merge (h, E) = h
| merge (h1 as T(w1, x, a1, b1), h2 as T(w2, y, a2, b2)) =
if Elem.leq(x, y) then
if weight a1 >= weight b1 + w2 then
T(w1 + w2, x, a1, merge(b1, h2))
T(w1 + w2, x, merge(b1, h2), a1)
if weight a2 >= w1 + weight b2 then
T(w1 + w2, y, a2, merge(h1, b2))
T(w1 + w2, y, merge(h1, b2), a2)
fun insert (x, h) = merge(singleton x, h)
fun findMin E = raise Empty
| findMin (T(_, x, _, _)) = x
fun deleteMin E = raise Empty
| deleteMin (T(_, _, a, b)) = merge(a, b)
fun pairwiseMerge [] = []
| pairwiseMerge [h] = [h]
| pairwiseMerge (h1::h2::hs) = merge(h1, h2)::pairwiseMerge hs
fun bottomUpMerge [] = E
| bottomUpMerge [h] = h
| bottomUpMerge hs = bottomUpMerge(pairwiseMerge hs)
fun fromList xs = bottomUpMerge(map singleton xs)
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