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Created July 24, 2013 16:04
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Save robotarmy/6071970 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
.file 1 "main.c"
.section .mdebug.eabi32
.section .gcc_compiled_long32
.set push
.section, "a", @progbits
.align 2
.word 0
.section .lib.ent.btm, "a", @progbits
.align 2
.word 0
.section, "a", @progbits
.align 2
.word 0
.section .lib.stub.btm, "a", @progbits
.align 2
.word 0
.set pop
.globl module_info
.section .rodata.sceModuleInfo,"a",@progbits
.align 4
.type module_info, @object
.size module_info, 52
.half 0
.byte 1
.byte 1
.ascii "RAM9_HELLO\000"
.space 16
.byte 0
.word _gp
.word __lib_ent_top
.word __lib_ent_bottom
.word __lib_stub_top
.word __lib_stub_bottom
.globl sce_newlib_attribute
.align 2
.type sce_newlib_attribute, @object
.size sce_newlib_attribute, 4
.word -2147467264
.align 2
.ascii "RAM9 - Hello World\012\000"
.align 2
.ascii "RAM9 - August 17th 2011 : 12:41AM\012\000"
.align 2
.ascii "RAM9 - ROBOTARMYMADE v9\012\000"
.align 2
.globl main
.set nomips16
.ent main
.type main, @function
.frame $fp,8,$31 # vars= 0, regs= 2/0, args= 0, gp= 0
.mask 0xc0000000,-4
.fmask 0x00000000,0
.set noreorder
.set nomacro
addiu $sp,$sp,-8
sw $31,4($sp)
sw $fp,0($sp)
move $fp,$sp
jal pspDebugScreenInit
lui $2,%hi($LC0)
addiu $4,$2,%lo($LC0)
jal pspDebugScreenPrintf
lui $2,%hi($LC1)
addiu $4,$2,%lo($LC1)
jal pspDebugScreenPrintf
lui $2,%hi($LC2)
addiu $4,$2,%lo($LC2)
jal pspDebugScreenPrintf
move $2,$0
move $sp,$fp
lw $31,4($sp)
lw $fp,0($sp)
addiu $sp,$sp,8
j $31
.set macro
.set reorder
.end main
.size main, .-main
.ident "GCC: (GNU) 4.5.2"
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hello world in psp1 assembler output from GCC.
reverse engineering mips assembler part 1

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