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Rocky Madden rockymadden

Setting status
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  • Pale Blue Dot
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trait Functor[T[_]]{
def fmap[A,B](f:A=>B)(ta:T[A]):T[B]
trait Applicative[T[_]] extends Functor[T]{
def pure[A](a:A):T[A]
def <*>[A,B](tf:T[A=>B])(ta:T[A]):T[B]
trait Monad[M[_]] extends Applicative[M]{
* A functional Conway's game of life.
package object conwaydef {
type Coord[A] = (Int, Int) => A
type Calculator = Coord[Coord[Boolean] => Boolean]
type Size = Int
def nextCell(old: Boolean)(mates: Int) = if (mates > 3) false else if (mates == 3) true else (old && mates == 2)
case class Score(p1: Int, p2: Int)
// Alles ist eine Expression
val score = Score(5, 1)
val winner = if (score.p1 > score.p2) "Player 1" else "Player 2"
val looser = if (score.p1 > score.p2) "Player 2" else "Player 1"
// Tupel
val winnerLooser =
import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap
sealed abstract class Validated[+T]
case class Valid[+T](value:T) extends Validated[T]
case class Error(message:String) extends Validated[Nothing]
class ValidationException(s:String) extends Exception(s)
trait Functor[T[_]]{
def fmap[A,B](f:A=>B)(ta:T[A]):T[B]
trait Applicative[T[_]] extends Functor[T]{
def pure[A](a:A):T[A]
def <*>[A,B](tf:T[A=>B])(ta:T[A]):T[B]
trait Monad[M[_]] extends Applicative[M]{
class A
class A2 extends A
class B
trait M[X]
// Upper Type Bound
def upperTypeBound[AA <: A](x: AA): A = x
package pong.functional
sealed trait Event
sealed trait Action
object Action {
case object MoveUp extends Action
case object MoveDown extends Action
case object ShootMissile extends Action