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Created June 4, 2018 19:34
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general recursion in Coq
Require Import Arith_base.
Require Import List.
Import List Notations.
Fixpoint merge (xs ys : list nat) : list nat :=
match xs, ys with
| nil , ys => ys
| xs , nil => xs
| (x :: xs) , (y :: ys) =>
match le_gt_dec x y with
| left _ _ => x :: (merge xs (y :: ys))
| right _ _ => y :: (merge (x :: xs) ys)
Error: Cannot guess decreasing argument of fix.
(** Fuel based recursion *)
Fixpoint merge_fuel (xs ys : list nat)(fuel : nat) : option (list nat) :=
match fuel with
| O => None
| S fuel' =>
match xs, ys with
| nil , ys => Some ys
| xs , nil => Some xs
| (x :: xs) , (y :: ys) =>
match le_gt_dec x y with
| left _ _ =>
match merge_fuel xs (y :: ys) fuel' with
| Some r => Some (x :: r)
| None => None
| right _ _ =>
match merge_fuel (x :: xs) ys fuel' with
| Some r => Some (y :: r)
| None => None
(** Well founded relations *)
Require Import Wellfounded Omega Relations.Relation_Operators Omega.
Definition merge_input := sigT (fun _ : list nat => list nat).
Definition mk_input (xs ys : list nat) : merge_input := existT _ xs ys.
Definition list1 (inp : merge_input) : list nat :=
let (xs,_) := inp in xs.
Definition list2 (inp : merge_input) : list nat :=
let (_,ys) := inp in ys.
Definition merge_input_lt : merge_input -> merge_input -> Prop
:= lexprod (list nat)
(fun _ => list nat)
(fun (xs xs' : list nat) => length xs < length xs')
(fun _ (ys ys' : list nat) => length ys < length ys').
Definition merge_input_lt_wf : well_founded merge_input_lt
:= @wf_lexprod (list nat)
(fun _ => list nat)
(fun (xs xs' : list nat) => length xs < length xs')
(fun _ (ys ys' : list nat) => length ys < length ys')
(well_founded_ltof (list nat) (@length nat))
(fun _ => well_founded_ltof (list nat) (@length nat)).
Lemma mergeF_obligation1
: forall x y xs ys, merge_input_lt (mk_input xs (y :: ys))
(existT _ (x :: xs) (y :: ys)).
intros ; apply left_lex ; simpl ; try omega.
Lemma mergeF_obligation2
: forall x y xs ys, merge_input_lt (mk_input (x :: xs) ys)
(existT _ (x :: xs) (y :: ys)).
intros ; apply right_lex ; simpl ; try omega.
Hint Resolve mergeF_obligation1 mergeF_obligation2.
Definition mergeF
: forall inp : merge_input,
(forall inp' : merge_input, merge_input_lt inp' inp -> list nat) -> list nat.
refine (fun inp canRec =>
match inp as inp' return inp = inp' -> list nat with
| existT _ nil ys => fun _ => ys
| existT _ xs nil => fun _ => xs
| existT _ (x :: xs) (y :: ys) => fun _ =>
if le_gt_dec x y then x :: canRec (mk_input xs (y :: ys)) _
else y :: canRec (mk_input (x :: xs) ys) _
end (eq_refl inp)) ; subst ; auto.
Definition merge_wf (xs ys : list nat) : list nat :=
well_founded_induction merge_input_lt_wf (fun _ => list nat) mergeF (mk_input xs ys).
(** Bove-Capretta method *)
Inductive merge_acc : list nat -> list nat -> Prop :=
| Merge1 : forall xs, merge_acc xs nil
| Merge2 : forall ys, merge_acc nil ys
| Merge3 : forall x y xs ys,
x <= y -> merge_acc xs (y :: ys) -> merge_acc (x :: xs) (y :: ys)
| Merge4 : forall x y xs ys,
x > y -> merge_acc (x :: xs) ys -> merge_acc (x :: xs) (y :: ys).
Hint Constructors merge_acc.
Ltac inv H := inversion H ; subst ; clear H.
Lemma merge_acc_inv3
: forall xs ys x y xxs yys,
xxs = x :: xs -> yys = y :: ys ->
merge_acc xxs yys ->
x <= y ->
merge_acc xs yys.
intros xs ys x y xxs yys eqx eqy H Hle;
subst; inv H ; eauto ; try omega.
Lemma merge_acc_inv4
: forall xs ys x y xxs yys,
xxs = x :: xs -> yys = y :: ys ->
merge_acc xxs yys ->
x > y ->
merge_acc xxs ys.
intros xs ys x y xxs yys eqx eqy H Hxy ;
subst ; inv H ; eauto ; try omega.
Fixpoint merge_bc1
(xs ys : list nat)(H : merge_acc xs ys) {struct H}: list nat :=
(match xs as us, ys as vs return xs = us -> ys = vs -> list nat with
| nil, ys => fun _ _ => ys
| xs , nil => fun _ _ => xs
| (x :: xs) , (y :: ys) =>
match le_gt_dec x y with
| left _ h1 => fun eqx eqy =>
let H' := merge_acc_inv3 _ _ x y _ _ eqx eqy H h1
in x :: merge_bc1 _ _ H'
| right _ h2 => fun eqx eqy =>
let H' := merge_acc_inv4 _ _ x y _ _ eqx eqy H h2
in y :: merge_bc1 _ _ H'
end) eq_refl eq_refl.
Definition merge_acc_intro : forall xs ys, merge_acc xs ys.
induction xs as [| x xs IHxs]; destruct ys as [| y ys] ;
try solve [econstructor ; eauto].
destruct (le_gt_dec x y) ; eauto.
induction ys as [| y' ys' IHys'].
apply Merge4 ; eauto.
apply Merge4.
inv IHys'. try omega.
destruct (le_gt_dec x y') ; try omega ; auto.
Definition merge_bc (xs ys : list nat) : list nat.
apply (merge_bc1 xs ys).
apply merge_acc_intro.
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