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import io/[Writer, Reader]
Multi-Purpose Buffer class.
This is a String, with guaranteed mutability.
All operations will be done on the Buffer itself, instead of a clone.
Other difference from String: the constructor will set capacity, not size.
Buffer: class extends String{
XString: class {
data : Char*
size : SizeT
init: func (src: Char*, =size) {
data = gc_malloc(size)
memcpy (data, src, size)
using Posix;
public class Test {
public void test() {
stdout.puts ("foo\n");
static int main(){
opening file nagtest.ooc for read...
full name nagtest
myst name .
OOC: Changes to String
String is now a class, which wraps a Buffer in a immutable way.
this means every method that can change the string, like trim, is executed on a clone of the internal buffer, then a new String including that buffer is returned.
the other difference between string and buffer is, that methods for the buffer are mostly of void return type, while String always returns a new instance. so you can do something like
// s infers to String here
s := " /tmp/aaa/bbb " trim() replaceAll("/", "\\") reverse()
here a new string is created, then each time a clone created and the method applied on the clones buffer
so this makes for at least 4 memory allocations and complete memcpy, which isnt very efficient.
main: func (argc: Int, argv: Char**) {
for (i in 1..argc) printf (argv[i])
$ rm -rf .libs/ rock_tmp/ && rock plain.ooc -gc=dynamic +-Os -dce
$ ls -lat plain
-rwxr-xr-x 1 rofl users 133283 31. Aug 18:50 plain
$ objdump -t plain
.PHONY: all clean mrproper prepare_bootstrap bootstrap install rescue backup
DATE=$(shell date +%Y-%m-%d)
TIME=$(shell date +%H:%M)
OOC_OWN_FLAGS=-sourcepath=source -v +-O0 -g +-rdynamic -ignoredefine=ROCK_BUILD_ ${OOC_WARN_FLAGS}
function Execute(const Cmd: string): Integer;
ProcessInfo: TProcessInformation;
StartupInfo: TStartupInfo;
StartupInfo.cb := SizeOf(StartupInfo);
if CreateProcess(nil, PChar(Cmd), nil, nil, True, 0, nil,
PChar(ExtractFilepath(ParamStr(0))), StartupInfo, ProcessInfo) then
import text/BufferFile
import structs/ArrayList
main: func(args: ArrayList<String>) {
for (x in 1..args size) {
b := Buffer new()
if (!(b fromFile(args get(x)))) Exception new("file not found") throw()
("filesize is " + b size toString()) println()
openB := 0
closeB := 0
import text/Opts
import structs/ArrayList
main: func(args : ArrayList<String>) {
opts := Opts new(args)
if (opts set?("g")) println("g set")
if (opts set?("v")) println("v set")
if (opts set?("vv")) println("vv set")
if (opts set?("dce")) println("dce set")
if (opts set?("gc")) println("gc set to " + opts get("gc"))