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Created June 15, 2018 06:06
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A plugin that allows you to author modals based on Bootstrap 3 in AEM RTE.
(function ($) {
"use strict";
// Setup Constants
var modalPlugin = {
GROUP: "modalPlugin",
DEBUG: true,
FEATURE: "modal",
MODAL_DIALOG: "modaldialog",
MODAL_UI_SETTING: "modalPlugin#modal"
var logger = function(msg, callback) {
if (!modalPlugin.DEBUG || !console) {
if (msg && (typeof msg ==='string')) {
if (callback) {
//returns the picker dialog html
//Handlebars doesn't do anything useful here, but the framework expects a template
var modalTemplate = function () {
CUI.rte.templates["dlg-" + modalPlugin.MODAL_DIALOG] =
'<div class="rte-dialog-columnContainer">'
+ '<div class="rte-dialog-column">'
+ '<label>'
+ '<input type="text" id="modalPath" placeholder="Modal Target" class="coral-Form-field coral-Textfield">'
+ '</label>'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="rte-dialog-column">'
+ '<button data-type="apply" class="coral-RichText-dialogButton coral-Button coral-Button--square coral-Button--primary" title="Apply">'
+ '<i class="coral-Icon coral-Icon--check coral-Icon--sizeS"></i>'
+ '</button>'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="rte-dialog-column">'
+ '<button data-type="cancel" class="coral-RichText-dialogButton coral-Button coral-Button--square" title="Cancel">'
+ '<i class="coral-Icon coral-Icon--close coral-Icon--sizeS"></i>'
+ '</button>'
+ '</div>'
+ '</div>'
CUI.rte.Templates = CUI.rte.templates || {};
* @see /libs/clientlibs/granite/richtext/js/rte/ui/CuiToolbarBuilder.js for Super Class
* @type {Class}
* @extends CUI.rte.ui.cui.CuiToolbarBuilder
modalPlugin.CuiToolbarBuilder = new Class({
toString: "ModalToolbarBuilder",
extend: CUI.rte.ui.cui.CuiToolbarBuilder,
_getUISettings: function (options) {
logger("in modalPlugin.CuiToolbarBuilder._getUISettings", function() {
if (!this._getClassesForCommand(modalPlugin.MODAL_UI_SETTING)) {
this.registerAdditionalClasses(modalPlugin.MODAL_UI_SETTING, "coral-Icon touchui-modal coral-RichText--trigger");
return this.superClass._getUISettings(options);
* @see /libs/clientlibs/granite/richtext/js/rte/ui/dialogs/AbstractBaseDialog.js
* @type {Class}
* @extends CUI.rte.ui.cui.AbstractBaseDialog
modalPlugin.ModalDialog = new Class({
extend: CUI.rte.ui.cui.AbstractDialog,
toString: "ModalDialog",
getDataType: function () {
return modalPlugin.MODAL_DIALOG;
// method called everytime the dialog is closed, this is useful because sometimes the dialog can be closed
// without clicking the 'cancel' button.
onHide: function () {
//reset the popover values to empty when closed
initialize: function (config) {
logger("In modalPlugin.ModalDialog.initialize", function() {
this.exec = config.execute;
var context = this.editorKernel.editContext,
selection = CUI.rte.Selection.createProcessingSelection(context),
tag = CUI.rte.Common.getTagInPath(context, selection.startNode, "span");
this.$linkTitle = $('#modalPath');
attach: function (config, $container, editorKernel, enforceCreation) {, config, $container, editorKernel);
// this method is called when the dialog is closed via the 'checkbox' e.g. to save the input
apply: function () {
// Getting the values of from the popover and passing them to the Command
var options,
modalPathValue = $('#modalPath').val();
if (modalPathValue !== "") {
options = options || {};
options.linkTitle = modalPathValue;
// this calls the execute method in teh dialogConfig object below, which in turns, calls the relayCommand to
// the command class.
// hide the dialog
// this method is called when the 'x' is clicked in the dialog, e.g. user interaction is cancelled.
cancel: function () {
// hide the dialog
* @see /libs/clientlibs/granite/richtext/js/rte/ui/CuiDialogManager.js for Super class
* @type {Class}
* @extends CUI.rte.ui.cui.CuiDialogManager
modalPlugin.DialogManager = new Class({
extend: CUI.rte.ui.cui.CuiDialogManager,
toString: "ModalDialogManager",
create: function (dialogId, config) {
logger("modalPlugin.DialogManager.create", function() {
console.log(dialogId, config);
if (dialogId !== modalPlugin.MODAL_DIALOG) {
return, dialogId, config);
var context = this.editorKernel.getEditContext(),
$container = CUI.rte.UIUtils.getUIContainer($(context.root)),
dialog = new modalPlugin.ModalDialog();
dialog.attach(config, $container, this.editorKernel, true);
return dialog;
* extend CUI toolkit impl to create instances of extended toolbar builder and dialog manager
* @type {Class}
* @extends CUI.rte.ui.cui.ToolkitImpl
modalPlugin.ToolkitImpl = new Class({
toString: "ModalToolkitImpl",
extend: CUI.rte.ui.cui.ToolkitImpl,
createToolbarBuilder: function () {
logger("in modalPlugin.ToolkitImpl,createToolbarBuilder");
return new modalPlugin.CuiToolbarBuilder();
createDialogManager: function (editorKernel) {
logger("in modalPlugin.ToolkitImpl,createDialogManager");
return new modalPlugin.DialogManager(editorKernel);
// see /etc/clientlibs/granite/coralui2/optional/rte/js/core/ui/ToolkitRegistry.js
CUI.rte.ui.ToolkitRegistry.register("modal", modalPlugin.ToolkitImpl);
* @type {Class}
* @extends CUI.rte.plugins.Plugin
modalPlugin.ModalPlugin = new Class({
toString: "ModalPlugin",
extend: CUI.rte.plugins.Plugin,
modalUI: null,
getFeatures: function () {
return [modalPlugin.FEATURE];
initializeUI: function (toolbarGenerator) {
var plg = CUI.rte.plugins;
// Create the Toolbar Element
if (this.isFeatureEnabled(modalPlugin.FEATURE)) {
var tooltip = {};
this.modalUI = toolbarGenerator.createElement(modalPlugin.FEATURE, this, true, tooltip);
// Add the toolbar element to the toolbar
toolbarGenerator.addElement("demo", plg.Plugin.SORT_FORMAT, this.modalUI, 140);
//this method is called to determine whether or not event handlers should be applied
//if true, it assumes the plugin button clicked is an action and not a popover and applies
//no events, so setting it to false applies the events like we want to the dialog can be reused
//in the same dialog session.
isHeadless: function(cmd, value) {
return false;
execute: function (id, value, envOptions) {
logger("modalPlugin.ModalPlugin.execute", function() {
console.log(id, value, envOptions);
var editorKernel = this.editorKernel,
dialogManager = editorKernel.getDialogManager(),
context = envOptions.editContext,
selection = CUI.rte.Selection.createProcessingSelection(context),
startNode = selection.startNode;
if ((selection.startOffset === startNode.length) && (startNode != selection.endNode)) {
startNode = startNode.nextSibling;
if (dialogManager.isShown(this.dialog)) {
var dialogConfig = {
execute: function (options) {
editorKernel.relayCmd(id, options);
parameters: {
"command": modalPlugin.MODAL_UI_SETTING
dh = CUI.rte.ui.DialogHelper;
if (!this.dialog) {
this.dialog = dialogManager.create(modalPlugin.MODAL_DIALOG, dialogConfig);
var tag = CUI.rte.Common.getTagInPath(context, selection.startNode, "span");
if (tag) {
this.dialog.$linkTitle.val( ?"#","") : "");
updateState: function (selDef) {
if (this.modalUI != null && (selDef.isSelection || selDef.nodeList.commonAncestor.classList.contains("modal-plugin"))) {
} else {
CUI.rte.plugins.PluginRegistry.register(modalPlugin.GROUP, modalPlugin.ModalPlugin);
* This Class is invoked by the dialog via the `apply` method, e.g. when the User saves the Dialog. This is not invoked
* when the user cancels input or closes the dialog without saving it.
* @see /libs/clientlibs/granite/richtext/core/js/commands/Command.js
* @type {Class}
* @extends CUI.rte.commands.Command
modalPlugin.ModalCmd = new Class({
toString: "ModalCmd",
extend: CUI.rte.commands.Command,
// a command can have one or multiple commands, the `isCommand` method checks whether this command is the one accountable for action.
isCommand: function (cmdStr) {
return (cmdStr.toLowerCase() == modalPlugin.FEATURE);
getProcessingOptions: function () {
var cmd = CUI.rte.commands.Command;
_getTagObject: function (options) {
var returnObj = {};
returnObj.attributes = {};
returnObj.tag = "span";
if (options) {
if (options.linkTitle) {
returnObj.attributes["data-target"] = "#"+options.linkTitle;
returnObj.attributes["data-toggle"] = "modal";
returnObj.attributes["class"] = "modal-plugin";
return returnObj;
execute: function (executionDefinition) {
var selection = executionDefinition.selection,
nodeList = executionDefinition.nodeList;
if (!selection || !nodeList) {
//if no modal value is passed, assume delete and remove the span
if (!executionDefinition.value) {
var dpr = CUI.rte.DomProcessor;
for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.nodes.length; i++) {
var common = CUI.rte.Common,
context = executionDefinition.editContext,
tagObj = this._getTagObject(executionDefinition.value);
// method to check whether or not the selected nodes have any existing modals in them, returns an Array[].
var tags = common.getTagInPath(context, selection.startNode, tagObj.tag);
//remove existing span before surrounding with new span
if (tags != null) {
nodeList.removeNodesByTag(executionDefinition.editContext, tagObj.tag, undefined, true);
nodeList.commonAncestor = nodeList.nodes[0].dom.parentElement;
//apply the markup to the selection
nodeList.surround(executionDefinition.editContext, tagObj.tag, tagObj.attributes);
// Assigning the Command Class `modalPlugin.ModalCmd` to The Feature. If your Plugin has multiple features, you will have to register multiple commands
CUI.rte.commands.CommandRegistry.register(modalPlugin.FEATURE, modalPlugin.ModalCmd);
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Can you please explain how to use it? It's really urgent.

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