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Created June 12, 2019 11:32
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Example of defensive ruby
# example 1: adopting default values and trying to not break things
def adapter(action)
action = action.to_sym unless action.is_a?(Symbol)
batch = {
active_products: "ProductsActive",
inactive_products: "ProductsInactive",
download_products: "ProductsDownload"
batch.fetch(action, "UnknownAction")
# example 2: be explicit about your contracts
def adapter(action)
unless action.is_a?(Symbol)
raise ArgumentError, "action parameter must be a symbol. Action: #{action.to_s}"
batch = {
active_products: "ProductsActive",
inactive_products: "ProductsInactive",
download_products: "ProductsDownload"
batch.fetch(action) do |value|
raise ArgumentError, "Unexpected value for action: #{value}"
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