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Created May 18, 2018 17:33
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Example of peeking into unbound parameters inside DynamicParam block. This is a bad idea, and should only be used for playing around with the PowerShell engine.
# Link to original question:
function Test-DynamicParamCreation {
Example of how to make dynamic param decisions based on other dynamic params.
NOTE: This probably isn't a good idea, as reflection is used to get at private
members of the PowerShell engine.
This function has a dynamic parameter named '-OtherDynamicParameterName' that
takes one or more parameter names (NOTE: Breaking this is pretty easy if you
don't pass single word strings)
The dynamic parameters created based on -OtherDynamicParameterName are very
simple, and are optional params that will accept any value. This functionality
isn't particulary useful, but is simply being used as a proof of concept to
show what's possible.
The function simply returns the $PSBoundParameters dictionary.
Test-DynamicParamCreation -OtherDynamicParamName Test1, Test2 -Test1 test1 -Test2 test2
This should return a dictionary with all three of those parameters.
Test-DynamicParamCreation -OtherDynamicParamName Test1, Test2 -Test1 test1 -Test2
This should result in an error since -Test2 had no value provied
Test-DynamicParamCreation -OtherDynamicParamName Test1 -Test1 test1 -Test2 test2
This should result in an error since -Test2 wasn't provided as a new dynamic parameter
to -OtherDynamicParamName
DynamicParam {
$EC = $ExecutionContext.GetType().InvokeMember('_context', 'NonPublic, Instance, GetField', $null, $ExecutionContext, $null)
$CCP = $EC.GetType().InvokeMember('CurrentCommandProcessor', 'NonPublic, Instance, GetProperty', $null, $EC, $null)
$Binder = $CCP.GetType().InvokeMember('CmdletParameterBinderController', 'NonPublic, Instance, GetProperty', $null, $CCP, $null)
$ValidProperties = 'ParameterNameSpecified', 'ParameterName', 'ArgumentSpecified', 'ArgumentValue'
$UnboundArguments = $Binder.GetType().InvokeMember('UnboundArguments', 'NonPublic, Instance, GetProperty', $null, $Binder, $null) | ForEach-Object {
if (-not $ValidProperties) {
$ValidProperties = $_.GetType().GetProperties('NonPublic, Instance').Name
$Props = [ordered] @{}
foreach ($PropName in $ValidProperties) {
try {
$Props[$PropName] = $_.GetType().InvokeMember($PropName, 'NonPublic, Instance, GetProperty', $null, $_, $null)
catch {}
[PSCustomObject] $Props
$fakeBoundNamed = @{}
$fakeBoundUnNamed = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$CurrentParamName = $null
foreach ($Arg in $UnboundArguments) {
if ($Arg.ParameterNameSpecified) {
if ($CurrentParamName) {
# Assume this is a switch
$fakeBoundNamed[$CurrentParamName] = $true
$CurrentParamName = $Arg.ParameterName
if ($Arg.ArgumentSpecified) {
if (-not $CurrentParamName) {
$fakeBoundUnNamed.Add($Arg.ArgumentValue) | Out-Null
else {
$fakeBoundNamed[$CurrentParamName] = $Arg.ArgumentValue
$CurrentParamName = $null
$ParamDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
$ParamAttributes = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
$ParamAttributes.Add((New-Object Parameter))
$ParameterName = 'OtherDynamicParamName'
$ParamDictionary[$ParameterName] = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter (
if ($NewParamNames = $fakeBoundNamed.$ParameterName) {
foreach ($NewParamName in ($NewParamNames -split '\s*\,\s*')) {
$NewParamAttributes = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
$NewParamAttributes.Add((New-Object Parameter))
$ParamDictionary[$NewParamName] = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter (
return $ParamDictionary
process {
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