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Last active May 24, 2017 19:07
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Prototype of GHC.Generics-based declaration of ADTs in Z3
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric
, DefaultSignatures
, FlexibleInstances
, FlexibleContexts
, KindSignatures
, DataKinds
, TypeOperators
, DeriveAnyClass
, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module GenericZ3 where
import GHC.Generics
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Z3.Monad (Z3)
import qualified Z3.Monad as Z3
data IntList
= Cons { head :: Int, tail :: IntList }
| Nil
deriving (Generic)
data Pair a b = First a | Second b
deriving (Generic)
instance (ToZ3Sort a, ToZ3Sort b) => ToZ3Sort (Pair a b)
instance ToZ3Sort IntList
class ToZ3Sort a where
toZ3Sort :: Proxy a -> Z3 Z3.Sort
default toZ3Sort :: (Generic a, GToZ3Sort (Rep a)) => Proxy a -> Z3 Z3.Sort
toZ3Sort _ = gtoZ3Sort (from (undefined :: a))
instance ToZ3Sort Int where
toZ3Sort _ = Z3.mkIntSort
instance ToZ3Sort Bool where
toZ3Sort _ = Z3.mkBoolSort
class GToZ3Sort f where
gtoZ3Sort :: f a -> Z3 Z3.Sort
instance ToZ3Sort t => GToZ3Sort (Rec0 t) where
gtoZ3Sort _ = toZ3Sort (Proxy :: Proxy t)
instance (Datatype d, GZ3Constructor f) => GToZ3Sort (D1 d f) where
gtoZ3Sort m = do
name <- Z3.mkStringSymbol (datatypeName m)
cons <- gtoZ3Constructor (undefined :: f a)
Z3.mkDatatype name cons
class GZ3Constructor f where
gtoZ3Constructor :: f a -> Z3 [Z3.Constructor]
instance (GZ3Constructor a, GZ3Constructor b) => GZ3Constructor (a :+: b) where
gtoZ3Constructor _ = (++) <$> gtoZ3Constructor (undefined :: a x) <*> gtoZ3Constructor (undefined :: b x)
instance (Constructor c, GZ3Selector f) => GZ3Constructor (C1 c f) where
gtoZ3Constructor m = do
name <- Z3.mkStringSymbol (conName m)
recName <- Z3.mkStringSymbol ("is-" ++ conName m)
sels <- gtoZ3Selector (undefined :: f a)
cons <- Z3.mkConstructor name recName sels
pure [cons]
class GZ3Selector f where
gtoZ3Selector :: f a -> Z3 [(Z3.Symbol, Maybe Z3.Sort, Int)]
instance GZ3Selector U1 where
gtoZ3Selector _ = pure []
instance (GZ3Selector a, GZ3Selector b) => GZ3Selector (a :*: b) where
gtoZ3Selector _ = (++) <$> gtoZ3Selector (undefined :: a x)
<*> gtoZ3Selector (undefined :: b x)
instance (GToZ3Sort f, Selector s) => GZ3Selector (S1 s f) where
gtoZ3Selector m = do
name <- Z3.mkStringSymbol (selName m)
sort <- gtoZ3Sort (undefined :: f a)
pure [(name, Just sort, 0)]
declareADT :: ToZ3Sort a => Proxy a -> Z3 ()
declareADT proxy = do
sort <- toZ3Sort proxy
cons <- Z3.getDatatypeSortConstructors sort
reco <- Z3.getDatatypeSortRecognizers sort
sortStr <- Z3.sortToString sort
consStr <- traverse Z3.funcDeclToString cons
recoStr <- traverse Z3.funcDeclToString reco
liftIO $ putStrLn sortStr
forM_ consStr (liftIO . putStrLn)
forM_ recoStr (liftIO . putStrLn)
main :: IO ()
main = do
Z3.evalZ3 $ declareADT (Proxy :: Proxy (Pair Int Bool))
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