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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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  • Save roman-neuhauser/8937424 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save roman-neuhauser/8937424 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
logdemux in javascript :)
// vim: sw=2 sts=2 ts=2 fdm=marker cms=\ //\ %s
function expand_sink(prefix, today) // {{{
return function (expando)
var sexpando = expando.str();
if (sexpando == "%D") return to_iso_extended_string(today);
if (sexpando == "%P") return prefix;
return "LOGDEMUX-BUG";
}; // }}}
function rule(prefix, match, sink, final, diag) // {{{
var os = new OStream;
this.handle = function (today, line) // {{{
if (!regex_search(line, pat))
return false;
if (opened_on != today)
os.write(line, endl);
return final;
} // }}}
function reopen(today) // {{{
if (os.is_open()) os.close();
var fname = expand(sink, today);, | ios.binary);
if (
diag.write("failed to open ", fname, endl);
opened_on = today;
} // }}}
function expand(fmt, d) // {{{
return regex_replace(
, regex("%[DP]\\>")
, cref(expand_sink(prefix, d))
} // }}}
} // }}}
function ruleset(ini, prefix, diag) // {{{
var rules = [];
var order = iniphile.get(ini, "rules.order", []);
if (order.empty())
throw missing_rules_order();
order.forEach(function (rname) {
rules.push_back(new rule(
, iniphile.get(ini, rname + ".match", string(""))
, iniphile.get(ini, rname + ".sink", string(""))
, iniphile.get(ini, rname + ".final", false)
, diag
this.handle(now, line) // {{{
for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; ++i)
if (rules[i].handle(now, line))
} // }}}
}; // }}}
function today() // {{{
return day_clock.local_day();
} // }}}
function complain(exitcode, msg) // {{{
cerr.write(msg, endl);
return exitcode;
} // }}}
function basename(path) // {{{
return regex_replace(
, regex("^(.*/)?([^/]+)(.exe)?$", regex.perl)
, "$2"
} // }}}
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