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Created November 18, 2016 10:02
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Elm-Select Box. Json-Decode-map
module Main exposing (..)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (on, targetValue)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Json.Decode as Json
import Date
type alias Model =
{ month : Date.Month }
initModel : Model
initModel =
{ month = Date.Jan }
months : List Date.Month
months =
[ Date.Jan, Date.Feb, Date.Mar, Date.Apr, Date.May, Date.Jun, Date.Jul, Date.Aug, Date.Sep, Date.Oct, Date.Nov, Date.Dec ]
type Msg
= SetMonth Date.Month
update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
case msg of
SetMonth month ->
{ model | month = month }
monthOption : a -> Html msg
monthOption month =
option [ value (toString month) ] [ text (toString month) ]
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
Html.div []
[ h2 [] [ text "Month selector" ]
, select [ on "change" ( SetMonth monthDecoder) ] ( monthOption months)
, div [] [ text <| "Selected: " ++ (toString model.month) ]
I dont understand and the on change Event = on "change" ( SetMonth monthDecoder)
on : String -> Decoder a -> (a -> Message) -> Attribute
on = change ( SetMonth monthDecoder) -> who is filling this function? beginnerProgram?
map : (a -> value) -> Decoder a -> Decoder value
SetMonth -> monthDecoder
what are a and value? Is a: Date.Month, if yes value: ?
why is SetMonth: (a -> value)?
monthDecoder : Json.Decoder Date.Month
monthDecoder =
-- Html.Events.targetValue: Decoder String
-- so we try to decode the string and put the result into stringToMonthDecoder
|> Json.andThen stringToMonthDecoder
stringToMonthDecoder : String -> Json.Decoder Date.Month
stringToMonthDecoder string =
case string of
"Jan" ->
Json.succeed Date.Jan
"Feb" ->
Json.succeed Date.Feb
"Mar" ->
Json.succeed Date.Mar
"Apr" ->
Json.succeed Date.Apr
"May" ->
Json.succeed Date.May
"Jun" ->
Json.succeed Date.Jun
"Jul" ->
Json.succeed Date.Jul
"Aug" ->
Json.succeed Date.Aug
"Sep" ->
Json.succeed Date.Sep
"Oct" ->
Json.succeed Date.Oct
"Nov" ->
Json.succeed Date.Nov
"Dec" ->
Json.succeed Date.Dec
_ -> "month not available"
main : Program Never Model Msg
main =
{ model = initModel
, view = view
, update = update
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rohanorton commented Nov 18, 2016

why is SetMonth: (a -> value)?

Because SetMonth is a data constructor (basically a function) that takes an argument (i.e. some Date.Month) in order to produce a Msg.

what are a and value? Is a: Date.Month, if yes value: ?

So in this scenario, your value variable is actually replaced with the specific type Msg, and a is replaced by Date.Month

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rohanorton commented Nov 18, 2016

Regarding the other part of your comment

   on : String -> Decoder a                        -> (a -> Message)                                    -> Attribute
   on = change    ( SetMonth monthDecoder) -> who is filling this function? beginnerProgram?

This looks wrong. The type signature of on is

on : String -> Json.Decoder msg -> Attribute msg

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rommsen commented Nov 18, 2016

awesome thank you. That makes much more sense now. Especially with your type annotation for on. I think I would not have so many problems with this annotation. I copied the annotation from: which is totally outdated. Dont know how I got there.

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