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roskakori /
Created December 9, 2020 10:38
Test for Zoom calculations
MIN_DPI = 200
MM_PER_INCH = 25.4
class ZoomCalculator:
def __init__(
view_width_in_mm: float,
view_width_in_pixel: int,
view_height_in_pixel: int,
roskakori /
Last active June 30, 2019 21:24
Notes on talk about "Preventing the collapse of civilisation" (Jonathan Blow)

Preventing the collpase of civilization

Jonathan Blow at DevGAMM 2019

28:27 "Five 9s" (99.999% uptime) "We don't use this anymore."

30:45 "Software startups are stumbling into a market, not doing software technology well."

roskakori /
Last active May 12, 2019 11:18
Notes on GDC talk about Subnautica postmortem (Jonas Bötel)

Subnautica postmortem

  • 14:24 "We added telemetry and feedback systems": in game feedback form, all feedbacks are public
  • 16:00 feedback includes position on map
  • 19:26 "people were telling us we were making a horror game, which was never our intent"
  • 19:42 on how to set priorities for increasing sales during early access
  • "look at your spikes, focus on what makes your game stand out, do more of that"
roskakori /
Created April 3, 2019 13:58
After moving or removing media files on a Synology NAS the previews etc do not update correctly and will remain visible despite the files being gone. This script collected from the Synology forums removes the orphan data from the media database. Credits go to various users of the Synology forums.
# Usage: ./ [-f]
# Run this after moving / removing media files on a Synology NAS.
[ "$1" = "-f" ] && REMOVE=1
roskakori /
Last active September 2, 2015 20:30
Coding dojo: SQL code generator for an SQL comment to describe items to exclude.
Coding dojo: SQL code generator for an SQL comment to describe items to
Write a function that generates an SQL comment describing a list of items to
exclude. Long lists of items should be broken into multiple lines. To make the
test case more managable, the maximum line length is 30.
For example, ['one', 'two'] should result in
roskakori / cutplace_htlwrn_notes
Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
Notes for HTLWRN team on improving cutplace
Notes for cutplace
0.9.0, week 2015/xxx
* Thomas: explain test_sql._assert_is_valid_sqlite_statement
0.9.0, week 2015/13
* Thomas: test that field names with non alphanumeric/_ are rejected
* htlwrn: continue SQL
This source code can act as base for a coding dojo.
It implements and test a function `iter_is_equal()` that take two sequences
as parameters and returns `True` if all there items are equal.
>>> iter_is_equal([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3])
>>> iter_is_equal([1, 2, 3], [1, 3])
roskakori /
Last active December 21, 2015 05:38
Download images for "Schlaflos im Ländle" geocache as described at <>. To obtain the required images, start the program sometime around 21:45 CET and let it run until 05:30 CET. You can start it earlier or stop it later but then you might have to ignore so…
Download images for "Schlaflos im Ländle" geocache as described at
To obtain the required images, start the program sometime around 21:45 CET and let it run
until 05:30 CET. You can start it earlier or stop it later but then you might have to ignore
some of the images.
import logging
import os
import time
roskakori /
Last active February 5, 2024 19:50
Python OS error codes with symbolic name and human readable error message
# Print a list of possible Python OS error codes together with the symbolic
# name in `errno` and the related human readable error message. The output
# uses Trac Wiki syntax so it can be copied and pasted in a Wiki document
# for later reference.
# The output depends on platform and language settings.
import errno
import os
print('||=code =||=symbol =||=message =||')
roskakori /
Created August 2, 2012 23:31
Caching a list of data using pickle
Example for caching a list of data using pickle.
import cPickle as pickle
_CachePath = '/tmp/cache.pkl'
def expensiveToComputeData():
# These would be date retrieved from an external file involving lots fo
# computations, validation and so on. This particular example data are