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Created December 11, 2018 06:36
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Processing HW03
final int WIDTH = 600;
final int HEIGHT = 800;
final int total = 20;
int nowImageF = 1, nowImageB = 1;
int btnHeight = 50;
void createBtn(int x, int y, String text)
fill(255, 255, 255);
rect(x, y, 100, btnHeight);
fill(0, 0, 0);
text(text, x + 20, y + 30);
void btn()
// upper
createBtn(500, 0, "Random");
createBtn(500, 100, "Next");
createBtn(500, 150, "Previous");
createBtn(500, 300, "Save");
// bottom
createBtn(500, 550, "Random");
createBtn(500, 600, "Next");
createBtn(500, 650, "Previous");
boolean func()
int x = mouseX, y = mouseY;
if(mousePressed == true)
if(mouseButton == LEFT)
if(x >= 500)
// Random
if(y <= btnHeight)
nowImageF = (int)random(1, 20);
else if(y >= 550 && y <= 550 + btnHeight)
nowImageB = (int)random(1, 20);
// Next
else if(y >= 100 && y <= 100 + btnHeight)
else if(y >= 600 && y <= 600 + btnHeight)
// Previous
else if(y >= 150 && y <= 150 + btnHeight)
else if(y >= 300 && y <= 300 + btnHeight)
if(nowImageB > 20)
nowImageB %= total;
nowImageB += 1;
if(nowImageF > 20)
nowImageF %= total;
nowImageF += 1;
return true;
return false;
void setup()
size(600, 800);
void draw()
String f = Integer.toString(nowImageF);
String b = Integer.toString(nowImageB);
// print(f + "\n");
PImage imgFront = loadImage("image/" + "pic.jpg");
PImage imgBack = loadImage("image/" + b + "b.jpg");
image(imgFront, 0, 0, 500, 400);
image(imgBack, 0, 400, 500, 400);
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