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irb(main):003:0> a = Account.first
~ SELECT `id`, `register_number`, `created_at`, `updated_at` FROM `accounts` ORDER BY `id` LIMIT 1
=> #<Account id=1 register_number=nil created_at=nil updated_at=nil>
irb(main):004:0> c = Contact.first
~ SELECT `id`, `title`, `first_name`, `middle_name`, `last_name`, `suffix`, `company_name`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, `account_id`, `veterinarian_id`, `groomer_id`, `clinic_id` FROM `contacts` ORDER BY `id` LIMIT 1
=> #<Contact id=1 title=nil first_name=nil middle_name=nil last_name=nil suffix=nil company_name=nil created_at=nil updated_at=#<DateTime: 212096641211/86400,-1/4,2299161> account_id=1 veterinarian_id=nil groomer_id=nil clinic_id=nil>
irb(main):005:0> c.account = a
=> #<Account id=1 register_number=nil created_at=nil updated_at=nil>
=> true
class Application
before :back_navigation
# maintain a back trace stack in session[:page_history], removing
# any path loops. back_resource() in global_helper will then
# use session[:page_history].
def back_navigation
session[:page_history] ||= []
previous_page = request.env['HTTP_REFERER'].to_s
current_page = (request.env['rack.url_scheme'] +
# divorce specs
# A divorce will dissolve the relationship between two objects, leaving
# the objects intact. Usage is symmetrical for all relationships
# Usage:
# 1:1 class Alpha belongs to Beta
# a.beta = b
# a.beta.divorce
:margin 0
:padding 0
:width 700px
:border 2px solid #333
:background-color #ddd
:list-style none
:list-style-position inside
module Merb::Template
class << self
# overwrite the load_template_io to look in app/views/templates if the
# given path is not found
def load_template_io(path)
io = super
Merb.logger.debug "Merb's load_template_io(#{path}) => #{io.inspect}"
if io.nil?
if path =~ %r((.*/app/views/).*(/[^/]+)$)
template_path = $1 + 'templates' + $2
# select_belongs_to('State', @address, :state_id, State, :name)
def select_belongs_to(title, base, base_attr_id, type, text_method)
selected = base.send(base_attr_id).to_s
# " selected => #{selected}"
select base_attr_id.to_sym,
:label => "#{title}: ",
:text_method => text_method.to_sym,
:value_method => :id,
# nvidia-settings: X configuration file generated by nvidia-settings
# nvidia-settings: version 1.0 (root@royw-gentoo) Mon Oct 13 11:25:18 CDT 2008
# gentoo ~x86
# ms Natural keyboard Pro
# Logitech MX-1000 mouse
# Gyration wireless mouse & keyboard & MCE remote
# ms IntelliMouse Explorer
Section "ServerLayout"
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# quick hack to show all devices on the local lan
subnet = '192.168.80'
range = 1..254
range.each do |i|
str = `host #{subnet}.#{i}`
unless str =~ /NXDOMAIN/
>> 'http://localhost:4000/commands', :command => {:process => 'Scan', :name => 'testing', :parameter => 'Movies'}
RestClient::ResourceNotFound: RestClient::ResourceNotFound
from ./bin/../lib/restclient/request.rb:187:in `process_result'
>> RestClient.get 'http://localhost:4000/commands/1'
=> "<command><id type='datamapper::types::serial'>1</id><parameter type='datamapper::types::text'>Movies</parameter><name>testing</name><finished_at type='datetime'>2009-05-27T19:57:41-05:00</finished_at><schedule type='datamapper::types::text'/><process>Scan</process><started_at type='datetime'>2009-05-27T19:57:41-05:00</started_at><watchdog_timeout type='integer'/><status type='datamapper::types::text'>Completed</status></command>"
And excerpts from the console log:
merb : worker (port 4000) ~ **** create ****
royw-macbook:dm-core royw$ gem dependency merb -v 1.0.11
Gem merb-1.0.11
merb_datamapper (= 1.0.11, runtime)
merb-core (= 1.0.11, runtime)
merb-more (= 1.0.11, runtime)
dm-core (~> 0.9.11, runtime)
do_sqlite3 (~> 0.9.11, runtime)
dm-timestamps (~> 0.9.11, runtime)
dm-types (~> 0.9.11, runtime)
dm-aggregates (~> 0.9.11, runtime)