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Created May 17, 2019 20:34
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Strummer - A script for Bram Bos iOS app “Mozaic”
// Strummer, by rrc2soft. v1.1
// AU Parameter User 0: Change current preset
//GUI - Basic
// We will actually update the GUI labels every 125ms
//...if needed, of course
LabelKnobs {Strumming Pattern}
LabelXY {X (Speed) Y (Velocity)}
LabelPads {Presets}
SetShortName {Strummer}
// Initialize array of temporal notes
FillArray tmpNotes, 0
FillArray tmpChannel, 0
tmpNotesStored = 0
// Initialize the current preset
// Only if unassigned
if Unassigned preset
preset = 0
pFactor = 0
order = YES
FillArray pKnobs, 64
FillArray pX, 64
FillArray pY, 64
// Initialize array of ordered notes, [0] lower, [3] higher
// Only if unassigned
if Unassigned notesOrdered
FillArray notesOrdered, 0
FillArray notesOrderedFull, NO
// Initialize array of strum directions and strum delay/vel
// Only if unassigned
if Unassigned knobValuesStored
FillArray knobValueStored, 0
FillArray knobSections, 0
FillArray strumDelayFactor, 0
FillArray strumVelFactor, 0.5
// FINAL (Timer for GUI and changes to internal arrays)
// Internal variables will be updated in the Timer
// ...and yes, this is a hack to enable a single function call :-P and a couple of things more
SetTimerInterval 125
updatePRESET = YES
// In “order notes” mode, flash the LEDs
if not order
// First, in case of preset change, we change everything
if (updatePRESET)
for _it = 0 to 3
LatchPad _it, (_it = preset)
for _it = 0 to 9
SetKnobValue _it, pKnobs[pFactor + _it]
SetXYValues pX[preset], pY[preset]
updateGUI = YES
updateXY = YES
updateKNOB = YES
// This task is done
updatePRESET = NO
// We will update the GUI labels here given the GUI values
// This saves code and reduce script complexity
if (updateGUI)
// Update knob labels
_knobEmptyFound = NO
for _it = 0 to 9
_knob = GetKnobValue _it
if (_knobEmptyFound = YES)
LabelKnob _it, {—}
elseif (_knob < 32)
LabelKnob _it , {Down2}
elseif (_knob < 64)
LabelKnob _it , {Down}
elseif (_knob = 64)
LabelKnob _it , {—}
_knobEmptyFound = YES
elseif (_knob > 96)
LabelKnob _it , {Up2}
LabelKnob _it , {Up}
// No more updates
updateGUI = NO
// We also update the internal arrays here given the GUI.
// This script does not play live notes, thus we can
// do this to improve script readability.
if (updateXY)
// Update variables related to the XY pad
if (GetXValue < 4)
strumDelayFactor[preset] = 0
elseif (GetXValue < 64)
strumDelayFactor[preset] = GetXValue / 64
strumDelayFactor[preset] = (GetXValue / 64) * 5
strumVelFactor[preset] = 0.5 + (GetYValue / 128)
// No more updates
updateXY = YES
if (updateKNOB)
// Initialize array of strum directions, given the knobs
knobValueStored[preset] = 0
knobSections[preset] = 0
_it = 0
_knob = GetKnobValue _it
while (_it < 10 and _knob <> 64)
knobValue[pFactor + _it] = _knob
knobValueStored[preset] = knobValueStored[preset] + 1
if (_knob < 32 or _knob > 96)
knobSections[preset] = knobSections[preset] + 2
knobSections[preset] = knobSections[preset] + 1
_it = _it + 1
_knob = GetKnobValue _it
// No more updates
updateKNOB = NO
if (tmpNotesStored = 4)
// Start from the beginning storing notes
tmpNotesStored = 0
if (tmpNotesStored < 4)
// Save new note
tmpNotes[tmpNotesStored] = MIDINote
tmpNotesStored = tmpNotesStored + 1
if (tmpNotesStored = 4)
if order
// Copy the notes to the notesOrderedArray, ordered
for _itOrd = 3 to 0
_highestNote = 0
_index = 0
for _itTmp = 0 to 3
if (tmpNotes[_itTmp] >= _highestNote)
_index = _itTmp
_highestNote = tmpNotes[_itTmp]
_highestNoteCh = tmpChannel[_itTmp]
notesOrdered[pFactor + _itOrd] = _highestNote
channelOrdered[pFactor + _itOrd] = _highestNoteCh
tmpNotes[_index] = 0
// Do not order the notes
for _itOrd = 0 to 3
_highestNote = tmpNotes[_itOrd]
_highestNoteCh = tmpChannel[_itOrd]
notesOrdered[pFactor + _itOrd] = _highestNote
channelOrdered[pFactor + _itOrd] = _highestNoteCh
// Now we have all the notes we need
notesOrderedFull[preset] = YES
// Loop over all knobs, choose the strum direction based on the values
// <32 down 2, <64 down, =64 no change, >64 up, >96 up 2
if (notesOrderedFull[preset] = YES and knobValueStored[preset] > 0)
_knobSectionCurrent = 0
msPerBar = (HostBeatsPerMeasure / (HostTempo / 60)) * 1000
msPerSection = msPerBar / knobSections[preset]
for _it = 0 to (knobValueStored[preset] - 1)
// Get the values we need to calculate the timing of the strumming
_knob = knobValue[pFactor + _it]
if (_knob < 32 or _knob > 96)
_knobSection = 2
_knobSection = 1
// Perform the strumming
// NOTE: Here I do not use QuarterNote, as this is an example of what to do if we want to consider the beats per measure
_firstIt = 0
_lastIt = 3
if (_knob < 64)
_firstIt = 3
_lastIt = 0
_delay = 0
_velocity = 20 * strumVelFactor[preset]
for _itNote = _firstIt to _lastIt
_note = notesOrdered[pFactor + _itNote]
_ch = channelOrdered[pFactor + _itNote]
SendMIDINoteOn _ch, _note, _velocity, (msPerSection * _knobSectionCurrent) + _delay
SendMIDINoteOff _ch, _note, 0, (msPerSection * _knobSectionCurrent) + (msPerSection * _knobSection) - _delay - 1
_delay = _delay + (5 * strumDelayFactor[preset])
if (_velocity <= 20 * strumVelFactor[preset])
_velocity = 21 * strumVelFactor[preset]
elseif (_velocity = 21 * strumVelFactor[preset])
_velocity = 40 * strumVelFactor[preset]
elseif (_velocity = 40 * strumVelFactor[preset])
_velocity = 80 * strumVelFactor[preset]
// Advance
_knobSectionCurrent = _knobSectionCurrent + _knobSection
// Update preset Value
pKnobs[LastKnob + pFactor] = GetKnobValue LastKnob
// Change both labels and internal values
updateGUI = YES
updateKNOB = YES
// Update preset value
pX[preset] = GetXValue
pY[preset] = GetYValue
// Change special parameters for the strummer:
// X: Strumming speed
// Y: Velocity
updateXY = YES
// Change the current preset, updating AU parameter
preset = LastPad
pFactor = preset * 10
updatePRESET = YES
SetAUParameter 0, preset * 32
// Change order mode
order = not order
// AU parameter User0: Change the presets
// As User0 is 0-127, we will consider intervals of 32
if (LastAUParameter = 0)
_newPreset = RoundDown ((GetAUParameter LastAUParameter) / 32)
if (_newPreset >= 0 and _newPreset <= 3 and _newPreset <> preset)
// Change preset
preset = _newPreset
pFactor = preset * 10
updatePRESET = YES
Strummer v1.1 by rrc2soft
Set a strumming pattern using the knobs, starting from the first knob.
Input four notes using the keyboard, which (with user LED not flashing) will be ordered from lower to higher.
Then, every new bar the strummer will play the strumming pattern.
Use the XY pad to change the strumming speed and velocity.
Use the Left Pads to choose the current preset.
Use SHIFT to change input mode (ON: order notes, OFF: do not order notes).
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