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(function() {
if (!Event.prototype.preventDefault) {
Event.prototype.preventDefault=function() {
if (!Event.prototype.stopPropagation) {
Event.prototype.stopPropagation=function() {
Author: Raúl Roa
Date : 4/16/2013
--[[ GLOBALS ]]
--[[ Time Management ]]
timeSteps = 0
class ACF_Bot extends ACF_Pawn;
* Bot Globals
var int TeamNumber;
var() float BotSpawnTime;
var() bool StayAlive;
var ParticleSystem ProjExplosionTemplate;
class ACF_DecoyGun extends UTWeapon;
* States
var() class<ACF_Bot> BotClass;
var() bool Spawned;
simulated function InstantFire()
Author: Raúl Roa
This program is meant to demonstrate how shared pointers allow for transfer of ownership.
Two lists contain a reference to the same pointer; remove operations are applied separately
and data integrity remains.