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Last active May 6, 2016 19:57
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
#author: Ray Smets
# 5/4/16
#Required: Github's emiller's
#This script moves a directory from one git repo to another while keep the commit
#history intact. After this runs you most likely will want to push to the orignal remote.
#Resources Referenced:
# Usage:
repoA=$1 #
folder=$2 #src/main/java/net/mojave/netguard/tester/domain
dest_repo=$4 #
dest_folder=$5 #src/main/java/net/mojave/netguard/monitor/client/newPackage
#clone_folder=$7 #the aboslute path!!!!!
mkdir -p $clone_folder
echo '++++cloning repo...'
#clone repo
git clone $repoA $clone_folder
#move to new folder
cd $clone_folder
echo '++++removing origin remote'
git remote rm origin
echo '++++filtering branch...'
#removes everything but the folder we need
git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter $folder -- -- all
#move folder into own directory to update remaing commits accordingly
git filter-branch -f --index-filter '
git ls-files -sz |
perl -0pe "s{\t}{\t'$folder'/}" |
git update-index --clear -z --index-info &&
mv "$" "$GIT_INDEX_FILE"
echo '++++cleaning untracked files'
git reset --hard
git gc --aggressive
git prune
git clean -df
#done with repoA!
cd ..
echo '++++making destination folder...'
mkdir -p $clone_folder2
#clone repoB
git clone $dest_repo $clone_folder2
cd $clone_folder2
#add a repoA folder as a local remote
echo '++++adding a repoA folder as a local remote'
git remote add merge ../$clone_folder
echo '++++pulling from local remote repoA'
git pull merge $repoA_branch
echo '++++moving '$folder' to '$dest_folder
#git-mv-with-history does a mkdir -p
source ../ $folder=$dest_folder
cd $dest_folder
echo '++++changing owner to you'
sudo find . -type f -name '*.java' -exec chown $USER {} \;
echo '++++Done. Remeber to commit and push the changes to the destination remote & branch!'
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