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Created January 18, 2018 16:15
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Script to download and install the latest available Oracle Java 9 JRE CPU release or PSU release for compatible Macs
# This script downloads and installs the latest available Oracle Java 9 JRE CPU release or PSU release for compatible Macs
#Set error status
# Determine OS version
osvers=$(sw_vers -productVersion | awk -F. '{print $2}')
# Determine the download URL for the latest CPU release or PSU release.
Java_9_JRE_CPU_URL=$(/usr/bin/curl -s | grep -ioE "*?/jre-9.*?.dmg" | head -1)
Java_9_JRE_PSU_URL=$(/usr/bin/curl -s | grep -ioE "*?/jre-9.*?.dmg" | tail -1)
# Use the Version variable to determine if the script should install the latest CPU release or PSU release.
if [[ "$Version" = "PSU" ]] && [[ "$Java_9_JRE_PSU_URL" != "" ]]; then
echo "Installing Oracle Java 9 JRE Patch Set Update (PSU) -" "$Java_9_JRE_PSU_URL"
elif [[ "$Version" = "PSU" ]] && [[ "$Java_9_JRE_PSU_URL" = "" ]]; then
echo "Unable to identify download URL for requested Oracle Java 9 JRE Patch Set Update (PSU). Exiting."
exit "$error"
if [[ "$Version" = "CPU" ]] && [[ "$Java_9_JRE_CPU_URL" != "" ]]; then
echo "Installing Oracle Java 9 JRE Critical Patch Update (CPU) -" "$Java_9_JRE_PSU_URL"
elif [[ "$Version" = "CPU" ]] && [[ "$Java_9_JRE_CPU_URL" = "" ]]; then
echo "Unable to identify download URL for requested Oracle Java 9 JRE Critical Patch Update (CPU). Exiting."
exit "$error"
if [[ ${osvers} -lt 10 ]]; then
echo "Oracle Java 9 JRE is not available for Mac OS X 10.9.5 or earlier."
if [[ ${osvers} -ge 10 ]]; then
# Specify name of downloaded disk image
# Use the Version variable to set if you want to download the latest CPU release or the latest PSU release.
# The difference between CPU and PSU releases is as follows:
# Critical Patch Update (CPU): contains both fixes to security vulnerabilities and critical bug fixes.
# Patch Set Update (PSU): contains all the fixes in the corresponding CPU, plus additional fixes to non-critical problems.
# For more details on the differences between CPU and PSU updates, please see the link below:
# Setting the variable as shown below will set the script to install the CPU release:
# Version=CPU
# Setting the variable as shown below will set the script to install the PSU release:
# Version=PSU
# By default, the script is set to install the CPU release.
# Identify the URL of the latest Oracle Java 9 JRE software disk image
# using the IdentifyLatestJRERelease function.
# Download the latest Oracle Java 9 JRE software disk image
# The curl -L option is needed because there is a redirect
# that the requested page has moved to a different location.
/usr/bin/curl --retry 3 -Lo "$java_nine_jre_dmg" "$fileURL" -H "Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie"
# Specify a /tmp/java_nine_jre.XXXX mountpoint for the disk image
TMPMOUNT="$(/usr/bin/mktemp -d /tmp/java_nine_jre.XXXX)"
# Mount the latest Oracle Java 9 disk image to /tmp/java_nine_jre.XXXX mountpoint
hdiutil attach "$java_nine_jre_dmg" -mountpoint "$TMPMOUNT" -nobrowse -noverify -noautoopen
# Install Oracle Java 9 JRE from the installer package. This installer may
# be stored inside an install application on the disk image, or there
# may be an installer package available at the root of the mounted disk
# image.
if [[ -e "$(/usr/bin/find $TMPMOUNT -maxdepth 1 \( -iname \*Java*\.pkg -o -iname \*Java*\.mpkg \))" ]]; then
pkg_path="$(/usr/bin/find $TMPMOUNT -maxdepth 1 \( -iname \*Java*\.pkg -o -iname \*Java*\.mpkg \))"
elif [[ -e "$(/usr/bin/find $TMPMOUNT -maxdepth 1 \( -iname \*\.app \))" ]]; then
oracle_app=$(/usr/bin/find $TMPMOUNT -maxdepth 1 \( -iname \*\.app \))
if [[ -e "$(/usr/bin/find "$oracle_app"/Contents/Resources -maxdepth 1 \( -iname \*Java*\.pkg -o -iname \*Java*\.mpkg \))" ]]; then
pkg_path="$(/usr/bin/find "$oracle_app"/Contents/Resources -maxdepth 1 \( -iname \*Java*\.pkg -o -iname \*Java*\.mpkg \))"
# Before installation, the installer's developer certificate is checked to
# see if it has been signed by Oracle's developer certificate. Once the
# certificate check has been passed, the package is then installed.
if [[ "${pkg_path}" != "" ]]; then
signature_check=$(/usr/sbin/pkgutil --check-signature "$pkg_path" | awk /'Developer ID Installer/{ print $5 }')
if [[ ${signature_check} = "Oracle" ]]; then
echo "The downloaded Oracle Java 9 JRE installer package is signed by Oracle's Developer ID Installer certificate."
echo "Proceeding with installation of the latest Oracle Java 9 JRE."
# Install Oracle Java 9 JRE from the installer package stored inside the disk image
/usr/sbin/installer -dumplog -verbose -pkg "${pkg_path}" -target "/"
# Report on the currently installed version of the Oracle Java 9 JRE
javaJREVersion=$(/usr/bin/defaults read "/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Info" CFBundleVersion)
echo "Oracle Java 9 JRE $javaJREVersion has been installed."
# Clean-up
# Unmount the Oracle Java 9 JRE disk image from /tmp/java_nine_jre.XXXX
/usr/bin/hdiutil detach -force "$TMPMOUNT"
# Remove the /tmp/java_nine_jre.XXXX mountpoint
/bin/rm -rf "$TMPMOUNT"
# Remove the downloaded disk image
/bin/rm -rf "$java_nine_jre_dmg"
exit "$error"
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