#!/bin/sh -eu |
# Make sure we have wget or curl |
available () { |
command -v "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 |
} |
if available wget; then |
DL="wget -O-" |
DL_SL="wget -qO-" |
elif available curl; then |
DL="curl -L" |
DL_SL="curl -s" |
else |
echo "Install Wget or cURL" >&2 |
exit 1 |
fi |
# Find a URL to a suitable armhf ChromeOS recovery image |
CHROMEOS_URL="$($DL_SL https://dl.google.com/dl/edgedl/chromeos/recovery/recovery.conf | grep -A11 CB5-312T | sed -n 's/^url=//p')" |
CHROMEOS_IMG="$(basename "$CHROMEOS_URL" .zip)" |
if [ -e "$CHROMEOS_IMG" ]; then |
else |
CHROMEOS_IMG_PATH="$(mktemp -td ChromeOS-IMG.XXXXXX)" |
# Fetch the recovery image (2Gb+ on disk after download) |
fi |
# Note the next free loop device in a variable |
LOOPD="$(losetup -f)" |
# If root, we can mount silently (no popup windows after mount) |
if [ "$USER" = "root" ]; then |
MNTPNT="$(mktemp -d -t ChromeOS.XXXXXX)" |
mount -o ro "${LOOPD}p3" "$MNTPNT" |
else |
# Associate all the partitions on the disk image with loop devices: |
udisksctl loop-setup -rf "$CHROMEOS_IMG_PATH/$CHROMEOS_IMG" |
sleep 1 |
# Mount the third partition of the disk image (if the previous did not do it automatically) |
if ! lsblk -lo MOUNTPOINT "${LOOPD}p3" | tail -n1 | grep -q \.; then |
udisksctl mount -b "${LOOPD}p3" |
fi |
# Note the mount point in a variable |
MNTPNT="$(lsblk -lo MOUNTPOINT "${LOOPD}p3" | tail -n1)" |
fi |
# Copy over files and make manifest |
CHRFILES="$(mktemp -d -t ChromeOS_Files.XXXXXX)" |
install -Dm644 "$MNTPNT"/opt/google/chrome/libwidevinecdm.so "$CHRFILES"/opt/WidevineCdm/_platform_specific/linux_arm/libwidevinecdm.so |
WVVER="$(grep -Eaom1 '([0-9]+\.){3}[0-9]+' "$CHRFILES"/opt/WidevineCdm/_platform_specific/linux_arm/libwidevinecdm.so)" |
WVMGR="$(echo $WVVER | cut -d. -f1)" |
WVMIN="$(echo $WVVER | cut -d. -f2)" |
echo "{\"version\":\"$WVVER\",\"x-cdm-codecs\":\"vp8,vp9.0,avc1,av01\",\"x-cdm-host-versions\":\"$WVMIN\",\"x-cdm-interface-versions\":\"$WVMIN\",\"x-cdm-module-versions\":\"$WVMGR\"}" > "$CHRFILES"/opt/WidevineCdm/manifest.json |
# Extract the libs out and copy them to a compressed tar archive |
ARCHIVE_NAME="widevine-flash-$(date '+%Y%m%d')_armhf.tgz" |
echo "Extracting and compressing files" |
tar -C"$CHRFILES" -caf "$ARCHIVE_NAME" opt/WidevineCdm/manifest.json opt/WidevineCdm/_platform_specific/linux_arm/libwidevinecdm.so --format ustar --owner 0 --group 0 |
rm -r "$CHRFILES" |
echo "Created: $ARCHIVE_NAME" |
# Cleanup |
if [ "$USER" = "root" ]; then |
umount "$MNTPNT" |
losetup -d "$LOOPD" |
rmdir "$MNTPNT" |
else |
ALLMNTS="$(lsblk -lo NAME,MOUNTPOINT "$LOOPD" | sed -n '/\//s/^\(loop[0-9]\+p[0-9]\+\).*/\1/p')" |
echo "$ALLMNTS" | xargs -I{} -n1 udisksctl unmount -b /dev/{} |
if [ "$LOOPD" != "$(losetup -f)" ]; then |
udisksctl loop-delete -b "$LOOPD" |
fi |
fi |
if [ "$DEL_IMG" = "N" ] || [ "${1:-EMPTY}" = "-k" ]; then |
: |
else |
rmdir -v "$CHROMEOS_IMG_PATH" |
fi |
# Inform the user how to proceed |
cat <<EOF |
To install the contents of these files on an ARMhf device, copy the tar archive over to the target machine and issue the following: |
sudo tar Cfx / $ARCHIVE_NAME |
After install of these libraries, issue the following two commands and restart Vivaldi: |
mkdir -p ~/.config/vivaldi/WidevineCdm |
echo '{"Path":"/opt/WidevineCdm"}' > ~/.config/vivaldi/WidevineCdm/latest-component-updated-widevine-cdm |
First of all, I'd like to thank all of you who are contributing to this thread. It's been very promising so far.
@iisti I've been following the instructions here with your big update, but Vivaldi seems to crash every time with that Widevine configuration. I've tried both 5.0 and 3.4. And they both don't seem to work. Also, the symbolic link for chromium don't seem to do anything neither. Because I simply don't see Widevine under
. My best guess is that they might have changed something in thatlibwinevine.so
, but I could be wrong.