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Last active January 21, 2020 17:55
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import { gaSettings } from 'config';
// parse the country code from the url
const parseCountry = (url) => {
const parts = url.split('/');
const locale = parts[3];
if (locale) {
return locale.split('-')[1];
return '';
// wait until OneTrust object is available
export const waitForOneTrust = () => {
console.log('waiting for OneTrust...', window.OneTrust);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (window.OneTrust) {
} else {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
// Set up PgDataLayer
export const initGTM = () => {
console.log('Initializing gtm');
if (!window.OneTrust) {
if (typeof window.PGdataLayer === 'undefined') {
window.PGdataLayer = {};
const oneTrustDomainData = window.OneTrust.GetDomainData();
const country = parseCountry(window.location.href);
const gtmSettings = {
SiteEnvironment: gaSettings.environment, // Test or Prod
SiteCountry: country,
SiteTechnicalAgency: 'treum',
SiteLocalContainer: '',
GoogleAnalyticsLocal: gaSettings.code, // GA property tracking id
GoogleAnalyticsStaging: '',
GoogleAnalyticsOptimizeContainerID: '',
ConsentOverlay: 'onetrust',
ConsentOverlayID: oneTrustDomainData.cctId,
SiteGDPR: true,
GoogleAnalyticsDisabled: '',
window.PGdataLayer.GTM = gtmSettings;
// virtual page view event
export const gtmEvent = () => {
window.dataLayer.push({ event: 'virtualPageview' });
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