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Created October 8, 2018 17:46
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Documentation example
require_relative 'postman/email_base'
require_relative 'postman/mail_gun_postman'
require_relative 'postman/custom_sms_gateway'
module Janao
module Postman
# Sets list of allowed email adapters
'MailGun' => MailGunPostman
# Sets list of allowed sms adapters
'Custom' => CustomSmsGateway
extend self
# Sets configuration object for various adapter
Configuration = ActiveSupport::OrderedOptions
# Error classes to be used
# Raise when Email address not valid
EmailNotValid = StandardError
# Raise when Adapter not configured from the valid list
AdapterNotValid = StandardError
# Raise when Email address not provided
ToEmailNotProvided = StandardError
# Raise when Adapter not specified
AdapterNotSpecified = StandardError
# Raise when expected method not implemented
PostmanMethodNotImplemented = NotImplementedError
# Raise when both sms and email is disabled from the configuration.
SmsOrEmailShouldBeSwitchedOn = StandardError
# Raise when template not provided.
TemplateNameNotProvided = StandardError
# Raise when numbers not provided
SmsDestinationNotProvided = ArgumentError
# Sets if engine can also send emails
mattr_accessor :send_email, default: true
# Sets email adapter to be used, Default: 'MailGun'
mattr_accessor :email_adapter, default: 'MailGun'
# Sets sms adapter, Default: 'Custom'
mattr_accessor :sms_adapter, default: 'Custom'
# Sets configuration that allow engine to send sms as well
mattr_accessor :send_sms, default: true
# Sets sms length to be validated dynamically, default: 160
mattr_accessor :sms_length, default: 160
# Sets adapter related configurations to be set, Default:
mattr_accessor :mailer_configuration, default:
# Sets configuration for SMS
mattr_accessor :sms_configuration, default:
# Sets dynamic token validation for email template, Default: true
mattr_accessor :validate_template_token, default: true
# Sets template related settings
mattr_accessor :common_footer, default: nil
# Sets common_header, default: nil
mattr_accessor :common_header, default: nil
# Sets date format dynamically
mattr_accessor :date_format, default: '%d-%m-%Y'
# Sets signature, default: nil
mattr_accessor :signature, default: nil
# Sets copyright_message, default: nil
mattr_accessor :copyright_message, default: nil
# Sets company_title, default: nil
mattr_accessor :company_title, default: nil
# Config Janao::Postman to send email and sms notifications
# Alias method is .setup of .config, you can use both
# Example:
# Janao::Postman.setup do |config|
# # Use only to send email?
# config.send_email = true
# config.send_sms = true
# config.email_adapter = 'MailGun'
# config.sms_adapter = 'Custom'
# # Optional parameters
# config.mailer_configuration.key = 'Some sort of identification key'
# config.mailer_configuration.secret = 'Don\'t disclose your secret'
# config.sms_configuration.username = 'iirfann'
# config.sms_configuration.password = 'Passw0rd'
# config.common_header = "<h2>Hay Man</h2>"
# config.copyright_message = "Copyright at Your Company @ 2018"
# end
# @return [Janao::Postman] instance
def config
yield self
alias_method :setup, :config
# Just use .() to Send notifications!
# .()
# The gateway to send message is to call this method
# Janao::Postman.({
# template_name: 'registration_greetings',
# email: {
# to: ['', '']
# },
# email_data: { full_name: 'Irfan Ahmed', tnx_number: 'HK29874297492842' },
# sms_data: { full_name: 'Irfan Ahmed', tnx_number: 'HK29874297492842' },
# numbers: ['+8801766678130', '+880197767130']
# })
# @overload call(*args)
# @param [Array<String, Hash>] args
# @option args [String] :subject email's subject.
# @option args [Hash] :email that takes to, cc and bcc keys witht the value of array type
# @option args [String] :template_name to load the expected template provided by client
# @option args [Hash] :email_data that contains token values of email template
# @option args [Boolean] :send_email should be true by configuration
# @option args [Boolean] :send_sms should be true or false by configuration
# @option args [Hash] :sms_data should contain token values for sms template's token
# @option args [Array] :numbers should represents list of numbers sms to be sent
# @return [Janao::Postman::Result] object that contains messages, error (true/false), backtrace: []
def call(*args, &block)
_block = block
options = args.extract_options!
send_sms = options.fetch(:send_sms, Janao::Postman.send_sms) || false
send_email = options.fetch(:send_email, Janao::Postman.send_email) || false
template_name = options.fetch(:template_name, (raise TemplateNameNotProvided, 'please provide an template'))
raise SmsOrEmailShouldBeSwitchedOn, 'please switch on at least on medium (email or sms or both)' unless send_email && send_sms
mailer_klass.(template_name, options, _block) if send_email
if send_sms
numbers = Array.wrap(options.fetch(:numbers))
raise SmsDestinationNotProvided, 'Please provide at least one number' if numbers.empty?
sms_params = options.fetch(:sms_params, {})
sms_data = options.fetch(:sms_data, {})
sms_klass.(template_name, numbers, sms_data, sms_params, _block)
# Define adapter to be used to send sms
# @return [SmsAdapter]
def sms_klass
# Define adapter to be used to send email
# @return [MailerKlass]
def mailer_klass
(raise AdapterNotValid, 'please provide a valid adapter, Example: Mailgun, ActionMailer')
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