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Created June 15, 2023 16:24
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import os
import fsspec
import posixpath
from fsspec import AbstractFileSystem
from fsspec.core import url_to_fs
import dlt
fs: AbstractFileSystem
# take from the config shared with the destination
# get bucket_url from config/secrets
# get aws credentials from config/secrets
destination_config = dlt.config["destination.filesystem.credentials"]
# pass to fsspec
fs, _ = url_to_fs(BUCKET_URL, token=destination_config)
# uncomment if the credentials are available as default
# BUCKET_URL="s3://dlt-ci-test-bucket/state"
# fs, _ = url_to_fs(BUCKET_URL)
def restore(pipeline: dlt.Pipeline) -> dlt.Pipeline:
state_path = posixpath.join(BUCKET_URL, "state", pipeline.pipeline_name) + "/"
working_dir = os.path.join(pipeline.working_dir)
# state folder exists
if fs.isdir(state_path):
fs.get(state_path, working_dir, recursive=True)
return dlt.attach(pipeline.pipeline_name)
# or does not - return existing instance
return pipeline
def backup(pipeline: dlt.Pipeline) -> dlt.Pipeline:
state_path = posixpath.join(BUCKET_URL, "state", pipeline.pipeline_name) + "/"
working_dir = os.path.join(pipeline.working_dir)
# copy state
fs.put(os.path.join(working_dir, dlt.Pipeline.STATE_FILE), posixpath.join(state_path, dlt.Pipeline.STATE_FILE))
# copy schemas
_, schemas_folder = os.path.split(
print(posixpath.join(state_path, schemas_folder))
fs.put(, posixpath.join(state_path, schemas_folder), recursive=True)
def source1():
def numbers():
dlt.current.resource_state().setdefault("runs", 0)
yield [1, 2, 3]
dlt.current.resource_state()["runs"] += 1
return numbers
def source2():
def letters():
dlt.current.resource_state().setdefault("runs", 0)
yield ["A", "B", "C"]
dlt.current.resource_state()["runs"] += 1
return letters
pipeline = dlt.pipeline(pipeline_name="filesystem_test", dataset_name="dataset", destination="filesystem")
pipeline = pipeline.drop() # make sure the state is wiped out, not needed on github actions
pipeline = restore(pipeline)
info =[source1(), source2()])
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