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Created September 11, 2019 02:43
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Mazes for Programmers in Guile Scheme. Binary Tree and Sidewinder algorithms implemented.
(use-modules (oop goops)
(srfi srfi-1) ;; sane lists
(srfi srfi-26) ;; cut
(srfi srfi-42) ;; list comprehension
(srfi srfi-69) ;; hash-table
(srfi srfi-88)) ;; keywords
;; Upper lambda as an alias for "cut"
(define-syntax Λ (identifier-syntax cut))
;; sane name for "null?"
(define empty? null?)
(define-method (sample (lst <list>))
(if (empty? lst)
(list-ref lst (random (length lst)))))
(define-method (sample . args)
(sample args))
(define-method (chance (fraction <number>))
(< (random:uniform) fraction))
(define-method (size (self <string>)) (string-length self))
(define-method (size (self <list>)) (length self))
;;(define-method (size (self <srfi-69:hash-table>)) (hash-table-size self))
;; Cell
(define-class <cell> ()
(row init-keyword: #:row getter: row)
(col init-keyword: #:col getter: col)
(north init-value: #f accessor: north)
(south init-value: #f accessor: south)
(west init-value: #f accessor: west)
(east init-value: #f accessor: east)
(links init-form: (make-hash-table eq?)))
(define-generic link)
(define-method (link (first <cell>) (second <cell>))
(hash-table-set! (slot-ref first 'links) second #t)
(hash-table-set! (slot-ref second 'links) first #t))
;; If any of them are not cells, just ignore
(define-method (link first second) #f)
(define-method (link? (first <cell>) (second <cell>))
(hash-table-exists? (slot-ref first 'links) second))
(define-method (link? first second) #f)
(define-method (unlink (first <cell>) (second <cell>))
(hash-table-delete! (slot-ref first 'links) second)
(hash-table-delete! (slot-ref second 'links) first))
(define-method (links (self <cell>))
(hash-table-keys (slot-ref self 'links)))
(define-method (neighbors (self <cell>))
(filter-map (Λ <> self) (list north south west east)))
(define-method (carve (proc <accessor>) (cell <cell>))
(link cell (proc cell))
;; No cell, no carving
(define-method (carve (proc <accessor>) anything)
(define-method (display (self <cell>) port)
(format port "[~a ~a]" (row self) (col self)))
(define-method (write (self <cell>) port)
(format port "<cell> row: ~a col: ~a" (row self) (col self)))
(define-method (show (self <cell>))
(define (pass . directions)
(and-map (λ (f) (link? self (f self))) directions))
[(pass north south west east) "╬"]
[(pass north south west ) "╣"]
[(pass north south east) "╠"]
[(pass north west east) "╩"]
[(pass south west east) "╦"]
[(pass north west ) "╝"]
[(pass north east) "╚"]
[(pass south east) "╔"]
[(pass south west ) "╗"]
[(pass north south ) "║"]
[(pass west east) "═"]
[else " "]))
;; Grid
(define-class <grid> ()
(rows init-keyword: #:rows getter: rows)
(cols init-keyword: #:cols getter: cols)
(grid getter: cells))
(define-method (initialize (self <grid>) initargs)
(define pos (Λ ref self <> <>))
(define (create-grid)
(list-ec (: r (rows self))
(: c (cols self))
(make <cell> row: r col: c)))
(define (connect-neighbors cell)
(define row (slot-ref cell 'row))
(define col (slot-ref cell 'col))
(set! (north cell) (pos (- row 1) col))
(set! (south cell) (pos (+ row 1) col))
(set! (west cell) (pos row (- col 1)))
(set! (east cell) (pos row (+ col 1))))
(slot-set! self 'grid (create-grid))
(map connect-neighbors (slot-ref self 'grid)))
(define-method (ref (self <grid>) (row <integer>) (col <integer>))
(if (and (< -1 row (rows self))
(< -1 col (cols self)))
(let ([g (slot-ref self 'grid)]
[index (+ col (* row (cols self)))])
(list-ref g index))
(define-method (random-cell (self <grid>))
(ref self
(random (rows self))
(random (cols self))))
(define-method (size (self <grid>))
(* (rows self)
(cols self)))
(define-generic for-each)
(define-method (for-each (proc <procedure>) (self <list>))
(let loop ([e (car self)]
[r (cdr self)])
(if (not (empty? r))
(proc e)
(loop (car r)
(cdr r))))))
(define-method (for-each (proc <procedure>) (self <grid>))
(for-each proc (cells self)))
(define-method (for-each-row (proc <procedure>) (self <grid>))
(let loop ([row (take (cells self) (cols self))]
[rest (drop (cells self) (cols self))])
(if (not (empty? rest))
(proc row)
(loop (take rest (cols self))
(drop rest (cols self)))))))
(define-method (show (self <grid>))
(define glyphs (map show (cells self)))
(let loop ([lst glyphs]
[counter 1]
[rslt '()])
[(empty? lst)
(reverse rslt)]
[(zero? (modulo counter (cols self)))
(loop (cdr lst) (1+ counter) (cons "\n" (cons (car lst) rslt)))]
[else (loop (cdr lst) (1+ counter) (cons (car lst) rslt))])))
(define (display-maze algorithm rows cols)
(display (string-join (show (algorithm (make <grid> rows: rows cols: cols))) "")))
;; Binary tree
(define-method (binary-tree! (self <grid>))
(define (make-hole cell)
[(and (east cell) (north cell)) (carve (sample north east) cell)]
[(east cell) (carve east cell)]
[(north cell) (carve north cell)]))
(for-each make-hole self)
;; Sidewider
(define-method (sidewinder! (self <grid>))
(sidewinder! self 0.7))
(define-method (sidewinder! (self <grid>) (horizontal-probability <real>))
(define (carve-row row run)
(if (not (empty? row))
(let ([cell (car row)]
[rest (cdr row)])
[(and (east cell) (chance horizontal-probability))
(carve-row rest (cons (carve east cell) run))]
[(not (north cell))
(carve-row rest (cons (carve east cell) run))]
[else (carve north (sample (cons cell run)))
(carve-row rest '())]))))
(for-each-row (Λ carve-row <> '()) self)
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