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Last active August 2, 2018 03:09
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String Edit Distance in Racket using recursion and caching (dynamic programming like, but still recursive)
#lang racket
(module+ test
(require rackunit))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (editions "" "") empty)
(check-equal? (editions "a" "a") (list (op-match #\a)))
(check-equal? (editions "ab" "ab") (list (op-match #\a) (op-match #\b)))
(check-equal? (editions "a" "") (list (op-insert #\a)))
(check-equal? (editions "" "b") (list (op-delete #\b)))
(check-equal? (editions "abc" "") (list (op-insert #\a) (op-insert #\b) (op-insert #\c)))
(check-equal? (editions "" "abc") (list (op-delete #\a) (op-delete #\b) (op-delete #\c)))
(check-equal? (editions "abc" "a") (list (op-match #\a) (op-insert #\b) (op-insert #\c)))
(check-equal? (editions "c" "abc") (list (op-delete #\a) (op-delete #\b) (op-match #\c)))
(check-equal? (editions "ac" "abc") (list (op-match #\a) (op-delete #\b) (op-match #\c)))
(check-equal? (editions "abcd" "xabxdx") (list (op-delete #\x)
(op-match #\a)
(op-match #\b)
(op-replace #\x #\c)
(op-match #\d)
(op-delete #\x)))
(check-equal? (editions "a" "b") (list (op-replace #\b #\a)))
(check-equal? (editions "pedreiro" "padeiro") (list (op-match #\p)
(op-replace #\a #\e)
(op-match #\d)
(op-insert #\r)
(op-match #\e)
(op-match #\i)
(op-match #\r)
(op-match #\o)))
; The test below takes a lot of time without the caching strategy
(check-equal? (distance (editions "you should not" "thou shall not")) 5))
(struct op-match (letter) #:transparent)
(struct op-delete (letter) #:transparent)
(struct op-insert (letter) #:transparent)
(struct op-replace (source-letter target-letter) #:transparent)
; How each operations costs?
; In this exemple, every operation costs 1
; but match, which is free.
(define (op-cost operation)
(match operation
[(op-match _) 0]
[_ 1]))
(define (distance op-list)
(for/sum ([e op-list]) (op-cost e)))
; A helper function to make cache simple
(define (make-cache)
(define cache (make-hash))
(curry dict-ref! cache))
(define (editions pattern other)
(define cache-hit! (make-cache))
(define (loop p p-pos o o-pos)
(define (matching letter left right)
(cons (op-match letter) (loop left (add1 p-pos) right (add1 o-pos))))
(define (insert letter left right)
(cons (op-insert letter) (loop left (add1 p-pos) right o-pos)))
(define (delete letter left right)
(cons (op-delete letter) (loop left p-pos right (add1 o-pos))))
(define (replace letter-a letter-b left right)
(cons (op-replace letter-a letter-b) (loop left (add1 p-pos) right (add1 o-pos))))
(define (step p o)
(match (list p o)
[(list '() '()) '()]
[(list (list a p-rest ...) '()) (insert a p-rest empty)]
[(list '() (list a o-rest ...)) (delete a empty o-rest)]
[(list (list a p-rest ...) (list a o-rest ...)) (matching a p-rest o-rest)]
[(list (list a p-rest ...) (list b o-rest ...)) (argmin distance
(replace b a p-rest o-rest)
(delete b p o-rest)
(insert a p-rest o)))]))
(define key (vector p-pos o-pos))
(cache-hit! key (thunk (step p o))))
(loop (string->list pattern) 1 (string->list other) 1))
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