- Clean pkg cache
- Remove unused packages (orphans)
- Clean cache in /home
- remove old config files
- Find and Remove
- duplicates
- empty files
- empty directories
- broken symlinks
- Find Large files
List packages
ls /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ | less
Remove all pkg except those installed
sudo pacman -Sc
Remove all files
sudo pacman -Scc
Download manually from archive.
sudo pacman -S pacman-contrib
paccache -r
Systemd timer
create file in /etc/systemd/system/paccache.timer
with the following contents
Description=Clean-up old pacman pkg cache
Enable by sudo systemctl start paccache.timer
Pacman post-transaction hook
List unused
sudo pacman -Qtdq
Remove unused
sudo pacman -R $(pacman -Qtdq)
cache is located in ~/.cache
stored in ~/.config/
install rmlint package sudo pacman -S rm lint
sounds more like the real time manjaro linux kernel and not as a kernel module (https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Unofficial_user_repositories#realtime).What
will do according to the man page is (-Q
stands for querying the package database):Which means that you have not directly installed this package, but it was installed as a dependency which was later removed. So if you are sure you want to keep this package (since you use it), you can just reinstall the package:
sudo pacman -S linux-rt-manjaro
and it should not be shown in the list of packages which get removed.Not sure if Manjaro in general handles things differently, such that any of the above information is not valid in that case. It should be valid for Arch itself.