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Prateek Rungta rungta

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rungta / parse-youtube-vimeo-urls.php
Last active October 14, 2016 08:11 — forked from cballou/youtube-vimeo-embed-urls.php
Now returns video metadata instead of an embeddable URL
* Given a string containing any combination of YouTube and Vimeo video URLs in
* a variety of formats (iframe, shortened, etc), each separated by a line break,
* parse the video string and determine it's host and ID.
* Data gets returned in the format:
* array(
* array(
rungta /
Last active June 20, 2018 14:23
Render a Trello board’s contents from JSON into a more human readable format (Markdown).
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Render a Trello board's contents from JSON into a more human readable format (Markdown)
Sample output:
Board Name
List Name
rungta / fontloader.js
Last active May 1, 2019 06:10
Load CSS `@font-face` fonts by listening for font loading events. A workaround while we wait for browsers to support the `font-rendering: swap` property.
* fontloader.js
Helps you avoid FOIT and progressively load in multiple
sets of webfonts as asynchronous non-blocking resources.
Apply them on the page when the fonts are ready, like so:
.title-type { font-family: serif; }
.prose-type { font-family: sans-serif; }
rungta / jquery.labels.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
A jQuery plugin to find a form field’s associated `label` elements.
jQuery plugin to find all <label> elements
associated with the currently selected form field
elements (typically <input>, <select> or <textarea>)
eg: $('input').labels();
$.fn.labels = function () {
return () {
if (this.labels) {
rungta / _vanity_router.twig
Last active March 14, 2019 09:21
Vanity URL routing for Craft CMS
{# Treat the slug as a template path #}
{% set template = include(top_level_slug, ignore_missing = true) %}
{# Render the template contents if found, otherwise treat the slug as a username #}
{% if template is not empty %}
{{- template|raw -}}
{% else %}
{%- include 'users/_profile' with { username: top_level_slug } -%}
{% endif %}
rungta /
Last active June 19, 2017 14:33
Script to optimize JPEG & PNG images (meant to be run as a @daily Cron job)
# Usage
# /path/to/images/dir
# See:
# Find image files modified in the last 24 hours
rungta / main.custom.conf
Last active June 19, 2017 12:34
Apache config to disable .htaccess files & include it in .conf
# This file is for ServerPilot configurations
# and should be located at /etc/apache-sp/vhosts.d/<APPNAME>.d
# See:
<Directory ${DOCUMENT_ROOT}>
# Disable .htaccess files
AllowOverride None
# Include root/.htaccess file
# the last character is a glob so that it silently ignores missing file
rungta / smoothscroll.jquery.js
Last active May 15, 2018 12:17
Smoothly scroll to in-page fragment links
// from
// modified to use native scrollIntoView when supported
// Select all links with hashes
$('html').on('click', 'a[href*="#"]', function(event) {
// On-page links
if (
location.pathname.replace(/^\//, '') == this.pathname.replace(/^\//, '') &&
location.hostname == this.hostname
) {
rungta / jquery.external-links-new-window.js
Last active December 18, 2019 11:49 — forked from wpscholar/jquery.external-links-new-window.js
Open all external links in a new window
rungta / checkboxradio.js
Last active February 14, 2020 14:24
Make HTML Checkboxes behave like Radio Inputs in that only one can be selected at a time.
(function(w) {
function checkboxAsRadio(selector) {
return function (event) {
var el =;
// only proceed if we have a matching checkbox
if (!(el instanceof HTMLInputElement && el.matches(selector))) {