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Last active April 13, 2021 23:51
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Serialize Changed Relationships
export default class AppAdapter {
constructor(args) { Object.assign(this, args); }
static create(args) { return new this(args); }
updateRecord(store, schema, snapshot) {
const posts = snapshot.record.hasMany('posts').hasManyRelationship;
const remote = posts.canonicalMembers.copy();
const local = posts.members.copy();
console.log({ remote, local });
import Ember from 'ember';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
import { helper } from '@ember/component/helper';
export default helper(function v(params/*, hash*/) {
switch (params[0]) {
case undefined:
return '[[UNDEFINED]]';
case null:
return '[[NULL]]';
return params[0];
import Model from 'ember-data/model';
import attr from 'ember-data/attr';
import { belongsTo, hasMany } from 'ember-data/relationships';
export default Model.extend({
name: attr('string'),
posts: hasMany('post', { inverse: 'author', async: false }),
import Model from 'ember-data/model';
import attr from 'ember-data/attr';
import { belongsTo, hasMany } from 'ember-data/relationships';
export default Model.extend({
title: attr('string'),
author: belongsTo('author', { inverse: 'posts', async: false }),
import Ember from 'ember';
function makePost(id, addAuthor = true) {
return {
type: 'post',
attributes: { title: `post number ${id}` },
relationships: {
author: { data: addAuthor ? { type: 'author', id: '1' } : null }
export default Ember.Route.extend({
async model() {
const { store } = this;
const author = store.push({
data: {
type: 'author',
id: '1',
attributes: { name: 'Chris' },
relationships: {
posts: {
data: [
{ type: 'post', id: '1' },
{ type: 'post', id: '2' },
{ type: 'post', id: '3' },
{ type: 'post', id: '4' },
{ type: 'post', id: '5' },
included: [
const newPost = store.createRecord('post', {
title: 'new post',
const otherPost = store.push({ data: makePost('6', false) });
const post4 = store.peekRecord('post', '4');
// remove a post
// add new post
// update with a new post
return author;
{{#each this.model.posts as |post|}}
<li>{{}} {{post.title}}</li>
"version": "0.15.1",
"EmberENV": {
"options": {
"use_pods": false,
"enable-testing": false
"dependencies": {
"jquery": "",
"ember": "3.4.3",
"ember-template-compiler": "3.4.3",
"ember-testing": "3.4.3"
"addons": {
"ember-data": "3.16.0"
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