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Created August 26, 2019 16:56
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Code shared from the Rust Playground
macro_rules! info {
// info!("...")
($e:expr) => {
// info!("...", args...)
($e:expr, $($rest:tt)*) => {
$crate::info_impl!(($e) $($rest)*);
macro_rules! info_impl {
// End of macro input
(($($e:expr),*)) => {
println!("msg={:?}", format!($($e),*));
// Trailing k-v pairs containing no trailing comma
(($($e:expr),*) { $($key:ident : $value:expr),* }) => {
println!("msg={:?}", format!($($e),*));
println!(" {}={:?}", stringify!($key), $value);
// Trailing k-v pairs with trailing comma
(($($e:expr),*) { $($key:ident : $value:expr,)* }) => {
$crate::info_impl!(($($e),*) { $($key : $value),* });
// Last expression arg with no trailing comma
(($($e:expr),*) $arg:expr) => {
$crate::info_impl!(($($e,)* $arg));
// Expression arg
(($($e:expr),*) $arg:expr, $($rest:tt)*) => {
$crate::info_impl!(($($e,)* $arg) $($rest)*);
fn main() {
info!("hello {}", "cats");
info!("hello {}", "cats",);
info!("hello {}", "cats", {
cat_1: "chashu",
cat_2: "nori",
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