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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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100 most downloaded npm packages for the period 6-Jul-2014 to 6-Aug-2014
1: async (5,306,139)
2: mkdirp (3,989,808)
3: request (3,822,748)
4: glob (3,750,793)
5: minimatch (3,476,898)
6: commander (3,475,471)
7: debug (3,454,917)
8: qs (3,372,442)
9: inherits (3,105,353)
10: graceful-fs (3,005,257)
11: lodash (2,932,899)
12: uglify-js (2,838,295)
13: nopt (2,818,122)
14: minimist (2,729,988)
15: lru-cache (2,606,770)
16: underscore (2,530,532)
17: optimist (2,491,551)
18: mime (2,480,646)
19: source-map (2,392,544)
20: readable-stream (2,353,348)
21: isarray (2,287,274)
22: hawk (2,276,772)
23: delayed-stream (2,257,788)
24: tunnel-agent (2,241,656)
25: asn1 (2,238,917)
26: ctype (2,203,257)
27: form-data (2,067,680)
28: send (2,013,369)
29: semver (1,960,014)
30: rimraf (1,955,039)
31: hoek (1,939,061)
32: assert-plus (1,909,882)
33: node-uuid (1,896,669)
34: json-stringify-safe (1,790,121)
35: string_decoder (1,776,044)
36: methods (1,732,845)
37: forever-agent (1,722,076)
38: boom (1,707,755)
39: sntp (1,689,081)
40: sigmund (1,684,920)
41: oauth-sign (1,680,540)
42: cryptiles (1,669,608)
43: combined-stream (1,662,163)
44: strip-ansi (1,636,098)
45: chalk (1,578,943)
46: ansi-styles (1,560,306)
47: core-util-is (1,554,754)
48: cookie (1,553,024)
49: fresh (1,551,755)
50: bytes (1,498,554)
51: underscore.string (1,489,282)
52: ms (1,488,645)
53: http-signature (1,486,947)
54: connect (1,483,859)
55: punycode (1,478,642)
56: esprima (1,477,894)
57: buffer-crc32 (1,443,653)
58: cookie-signature (1,443,047)
59: range-parser (1,436,091)
60: q (1,413,808)
61: js-yaml (1,399,930)
62: colors (1,390,436)
63: wordwrap (1,358,488)
64: osenv (1,342,067)
65: resolve (1,328,363)
66: negotiator (1,318,887)
67: express (1,274,615)
68: once (1,242,552)
69: ncp (1,227,890)
70: coffee-script (1,224,519)
71: abbrev (1,203,982)
72: nan (1,201,271)
73: amdefine (1,157,500)
74: mime-types (1,124,460)
75: aws-sign (1,117,195)
76: cookie-jar (1,109,121)
77: raw-body (1,104,649)
78: iconv-lite (1,094,676)
79: tough-cookie (1,093,813)
80: npmconf (1,068,270)
81: jade (1,059,937)
82: aws-sign2 (1,021,509)
83: through (1,020,904)
84: ini (1,017,146)
85: dateformat (1,013,842)
86: deep-equal (994,361)
87: pkginfo (985,170)
88: pause (969,781)
89: fstream (948,540)
90: estraverse (942,217)
91: shelljs (939,104)
92: domutils (915,854)
93: multiparty (892,378)
94: which (871,529)
95: memoizee (864,541)
96: inquirer (859,080)
97: ansi-regex (854,950)
98: redis (854,279)
99: diff (854,190)
100: type-is (849,023)
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