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Forked from tbranyen/DetectCreditCardType.html
Created December 8, 2010 01:53
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<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Detect Credit Card Type</title>
<label for="card_number">Enter Card Number:</label>
<input type="text" name="card_number" id="card_number" value="">
<div id="card"></div>
<script src=""></script>
(function(window, document, $) {
// Just a simple plugin...
$.fn.cardType = function(opts) {
var defaults = $.fn.cardType.opts;
// Allow for just a callback to be provided or extend opts
opts = opts && $.isFunction(opts) ? (opts.callback = opts, opts)
: $.extend(defaults, opts);
// Chainability
return this.bind('keyup', function() {
// Don't need to use jQuery to get the value
var num = this.value.replace(/[\s\xA0]+/g, ''),
len = num.length,
type = opts.unknown;
// Set type based off conditions
type =
// Test for Visa
num[0] === '4' && (len === 13 || len === 16)
? 'Visa'
// Test for American Express
: (num[0] === '34' || num[0] === '37') && len === 15
? 'American Express'
// Text for Mastercard - couldn't think of an elegant way to avoid the regex
: /^5[1-5]/.test(num) && len === 16
? 'Mastercard'
// Test for Discover
: num.indexOf('6011') === 0 && len === 16
? 'Discover'
// Default
: type;
// Invoke the callback, arguments.callee added for unbinding ability
opts.callback.apply(this, [type, num, opts, arguments.callee]);
// Set defaults on the plugin function
$.fn.cardType.opts = {
unknown: "Type unknown",
callback: $.noop
})(this, this.document, this.jQuery);
jQuery(function($) {
$('#card_number').cardType(function(type) {
// callback: function(type) {
// $('#card').text(type);
// }
// Listen for keyup on card_number field
//$('#card_number').live('keyup', function(e) {
// // Stop bubbling
// e.stopPropagation();
// // Strip whitespace - pattern from
// var num = $(this).val().replace(/[\s\xA0]+/g, ""),
// len = num.length,
// type;
// // Determine card type - patterns from
// if ( (/^4/.test(num)) && (/^(13|16)$/.test(len)) ) {
// type = 'Visa';
// } else if ( (/^(34|37)/.test(num)) && (/^15$/.test(len)) ) {
// type = 'American Express';
// } else if ( (/^5[1-5]/.test(num)) && (/^16$/.test(len)) ) {
// type = 'Mastercard';
// } else if ( (/^6011/.test(num)) && (/^16$/.test(len)) ) {
// type = 'Discover';
// } else {
// type = 'type unknown';
// }
// // Replace the contents of <div id=card> with the card name.
// $('#card').html(type);
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