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Created January 27, 2015 14:52
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Quadratic programming demo: Circus Tent
# This gist uses rgl and quadprog to draw a circus tent
# by solving a quadratic program in R. The original problem is from the MathWorks MATLAB demo at:
# More information on this problem at:
# author: R. Walker (
# below are only need if you want to run profiling
# Helper functions
Laplacian2D <- function(lx,ly, nx,ny){
hx <- lx/(nx-1)
hy <- ly/(ny-1)
tr_x <- c(2,-1,rep(0,nx-2))
tr_y <- c(2,-1,rep(0,ny-2))
Tx <- toeplitz(tr_x)/(hx^2)
Ty <- toeplitz(tr_y)/(hy^2)
Ix <- diag(nx)
Iy <- diag(ny)
L <- kronecker(Tx,Iy) + kronecker(Ix,Ty)
# Plot a sparse matrix -- similar to MATLAB spy
spy <- function(A){
M <- ifelse(A==0,0,1)
image(t(M)[ncol(M):1,], col=c("white","blue"), axes=FALSE, pch = 3, lty=0)
title("Sparse Matrix Plot")
# Tent base builder and plotters
# make a tent pole ensamble; recommeneded to use power of 2 for N to maintain symmetry
makeTentEnsemble <- function(nBase=2**5, nFold=1){
n <- floor(nBase/2) # number of rows and number of columns per quandrant
m <- floor(n/2) # midpoint row and column index in the first quadrant
q2 = matrix(0,n,n)
q2[m:(m+1), m:(m+1)] = .3
q2[(n-1):n, (n-1):n] = 1/2
q1 <- q2[,n:1]
top <- cbind(q2,q1)
z <- rbind(top,top[n:1,])
# use nFold to stack copies of z in an nFold by nFold grid
# rep and stack columns then rep and stack the result down the row
if(nFold>1) z<-apply(apply(z,2, rep, nFold), 1, rep, nFold)
# xy axis builder
dd <- dim(z)
x <- (1:dd[1])/dd[1]
y <- (1:dd[2])/dd[2]
# pack result in a list
res = list(x=x, y=y, z=z)
x <- tentbase$x
y <- tentbase$y
z <- tentbase$z
rgl.surface(x,y, z, color='blue',alpha=1, smooth=TRUE)
rgl.surface(x,y, matrix(1/2,length(x), length(y)), color='red', alpha=.4)"white")
plotTentSolution <- function(tentbase, tent){
x <- tentbase$x
y <- tentbase$y
z <- tentbase$z
rgl.surface(x, y , z, color='blue',alpha=1, smooth=TRUE)
rgl.surface(x, y , tent, color='red', alpha=.4)"white")
# QP solver staging
quadprogStage <- function(tentbase){
# System matrices
# Note: quadprog's quadratic form is -d^T x + 1/2 x^T D x with t(A)%*%x>= b
theta <- 1 # material coefficient on first order term in energy function; may want to adjust
x <- tentbase$x
y <- tentbase$y
z <- tentbase$z
Ny <- nrow(z)
Nx <- ncol(z)
N <- Nx*Ny
hx <- 1/(Nx-1)
hy <- 1/(Ny-1)
res <- list()
res$Dmat <- hx*hy*Laplacian2D(1,1,Nx, Ny)
res$dvec <- -theta*(hx*hy)*rep(1,N)
res$Amat <- t(diag(N))
res$bvec <- matrix(z,N,1,byrow=FALSE) # lower bound
ipopStage <- function(tentbase){
# solve the QP with kernlab solver
# ipop solves the quadratic programming problem :
# \min(c'*x + 1/2 * x' * H * x)
# subject to:
# b <= A * x <= b + r
# l <= x <= u
n <- length(tentbase$z)
res <- list()
qpmat <- quadprogStage(tentbase)
res$c <- -qpmat$dvec # note the sign difference relative to quadprog
res$H <- qpmat$Dmat
res$b <- qpmat$bvec
res$r <- matrix(1, nrow=n, ncol=1)
# box constraint over x (note redundant with constraint on Ax)
res$A <- diag(1,nrow=n)
res$l <- matrix(0, nrow=length(tentbase$z), ncol=1)
res$u <- matrix(1, nrow=length(tentbase$z), ncol=1)
# Solver time profiling
profile <- function(Nbase, itvec){
ipop_times <- c()
quadprog_times <- c()
errors <- c()
dims <- c()
for(i in itvec){
tentbase <-makeTentEnsemble(Nbase, i)
qpmat <-quadprogStage(tentbase)
# time quadprog solver
print(sprintf("Solving QP with N=%d using quadprog", N))
time <- system.time(sol1 <- solve.QP(qpmat$Dmat, qpmat$dvec, qpmat$Amat, qpmat$bvec))
dims <- c(dims, length(sol1$solution))
quadprog_times <- c(quadprog_times, time[3]) # elapsed time
qmat <-NULL
# time ipop solver
ipmat <-ipopStage(tentbase)
print(sprintf("Solving QP with N=%d using ipop", N))
time <- system.time(sol2 <- ipop(ipmat$c, ipmat$H, ipmat$A, ipmat$b, ipmat$l, ipmat$u, ipmat$r))
ipop_times <- c(ipop_times, time[3]) # elapsed time
ipmat <- NULL
errors <- c(errors, sqrt(sum((sol1$solution-primal(sol2))^2)))
times <- data.frame(problem.size=dims,
ipop.time = ipop_times,
difference = errors)
profilePlot <- function(times){
df <- melt(times[,-4], id = "problem.size", = "time","method")
ggplot(df, aes(x=problem.size, y=time, color=method)) +
ggtitle("Solve time vs problem size for tent problem")+
geom_line(size=1.5) + geom_point(size=5) + scale_colour_manual(values=c("red","blue")) +
theme(legend.position="bottom", legend.title=element_blank())
# Run examples
# Set nFold = 1 to see original MATLAB demo
# Set nFold >=2 to build more complex tents using symmetries
# Caution: running with nBase >= 2**5 and nFold>=2 will need at least 750 MB
# of available memory.
tentbase <-makeTentEnsemble(nBase=2**5, nFold=1)
qpmat <-quadprogStage(tentbase)
sol <- solve.QP(qpmat$Dmat, qpmat$dvec, qpmat$Amat, qpmat$bvec)
tent <- matrix(sol$solution, nrow(tentbase$z), ncol(tentbase$z), byrow=FALSE) # reshape before passing to plotter
plotTentSolution(tentbase, tent)
# PROFILING [can be memory intensive]
# time the solvers for the QPs
times <- profile(2**3, 1:4)
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