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Ryan Walker rwalk

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Sample from the twitter API and post results to a file or to Kafka.
To use, set credientials as enviornment variables, e.g.
or source myfile
where myfile exports the authorization variables
import twython, json, re, argparse, subprocess, os, sys, time
from socket import timeout
Put documents from the stream into Kafka
import argparse
from kafka import SimpleProducer, KafkaClient
from time import sleep
def chunk_iterable(A,n):
'''An iterable that contains the iterates of A divided into lists of size n.
rwalk /
Created September 17, 2015 21:08
Quickstart elasticsearch with Python
# This script is a simple introduction to the python elasticsearch API.
# This script will populate an elasticsearch index from a file and then give a simple command line query interface.
# Each line of the input file will be mapped into a JSON document of the form { "text": "my file line..." } and added
# to the index.
# You can use Docker to spin up a local elasticsearch instance to play around with, e.g.
# docker run --name elasticsearch -d -p 9200:9200 elasticsearch:latest
rwalk / autocompleter
Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
Autocompleter running in Docker
# Docker demo: container for a simple autocomplete program
# Autocomplete script is python3 and consumes a dictionary
# file packaged in the ubuntu operating system.
# start with the base ubuntu image
FROM ubuntu
# Tell apt-get that we are going to be NONINTERACTIVE
rwalk /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
Autocomplete with a trie
Autocompletion using a trie and a user supplied language file.
HINT: Linux/Unix users can look in "/usr/share/dict" for language files.
Author: rwalker
License: MIT
import argparse, os, sys
rwalk / quadprog_ipoptr_translate.R
Created March 8, 2015 23:22
Quadratic programming: Use matrix inputs to solve a QP with ipoptr
ipoptr_qp <- function(Dmat, dvec, Amat, bvec, ub=100){
# Solve the quadratic program
# min -d^T x + 1/2 x^T D x
# s.t. A%*%x>= b
# with ipoptr.
n <- length(bvec)
# Jacobian structural components
rwalk / qp_experiment_random.R
Created March 8, 2015 18:29
Quadratic Programming: Compare three methods for solving a randomly generated QP in R
# This gist compares three methods for solving a randomly generated quadratic program in R.
# author: R. Walker (
# Random QP Generation (in the style of quadprog)
rwalk / qp_solver_compare.R
Created February 28, 2015 22:36
Compare 3 QP solvers on a demo problem in R
# This gist compares three methods for solving a quadratic program in R.
# The original problem is from the MathWorks MATLAB demo at:
# More information on this problem at:
# author: R. Walker (
rwalk / svm_tm_example.R
Last active January 11, 2016 06:25
R: SVM example to predict "crude" topic in Reuters21578 Corpus
# This gist samples positive and negative examples of a topic
# in the Reuters21578 corpus using R's "tm" package to manage
# the data. After some simple transformations to the text,
# the data are extracted to a document-term matrix and a simple
# SVM model is fit to classify positive examples of the topic.
# author: R. Walker (
# NOTE: Download the full Reuters21578 corpus from
rwalk / svm_solver_compare.R
Last active January 27, 2020 16:41
R: Solve the SVM minimization problem with quadprog and ipop
# This gist solves the hard-margin SVM problem in three ways: using quadprog, using kernlab's ipop, and by
# the e1071 wrapper around libsvm.
# author: R. Walker (
# Use Fisher iris data and binarize one of the species