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Last active April 8, 2024 16:20
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Script using RTL-SDR with IR to power off system when RTL remote power button pressed
# Quick & dirty script to power down the computer when receiving
# a "power button" IR signal from the RTL remote over RTL-SDR dongle
# via rpc_ir librtlsdr:
# Intended for use with Raspberry Pi, which lacks a built-in power button
# Usage:
# rtl_rpcd -I 1235
# python
IR_ADDR = "" # should be local unless you want to shutdown another system than receives the IR
IR_PORT = 1235
RESTART_SDR_CMD = "service dump1090-mutability restart"
SHUTDOWN_CMD = "shutdown -h now"
REBOOT_CMD = "reboot"
LOG_PATH = "/var/log/ir.log"
import socket
import re
import os
import time
import datetime
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
LED_G = 29 # G5
LED_R = 31 # G6
LED_Y = 32 # G12
LED_B = 33 # G13
# turn off yellow
GPIO.output(LED_Y, True)
def log(*a):
s = " ".join(map(str, a))
if not os.getenv("QUIET"): print s
ts =
fd = file(LOG_PATH, "at+")
fd.write("%s\t%s\n" % (ts, s))
def unpack_pulses(data):
s = ''
for i in range(0, len(data)):
b = ord(data[i])
if b & 0x80:
pulse = 1
pulse = 0
duration = (b & 0x7f) # *20 usec
for j in range(0, duration):
s += "%s" % (pulse,)
return s
SCALE = 100 # times slower
def replay_pulses(groups):
for group in groups:
if '0' in group:
GPIO.output(LED_Y, True)
GPIO.output(LED_Y, False)
time.sleep(len(group) * 20e-6 * SCALE)
GPIO.output(LED_Y, True)
global last_cmd
last_cmd = None
def measure_pulses(s):
global last_cmd
# Split by contiguous length of series on/off: 111.... or 000... etc.
groups = re.findall('0+|1+', s)
# Measure lengths of pauses - corresponds to bits (alternated with bursts)
lengths = ""
for i in range(0, len(groups)):
group = groups[i]
if '0' in group:
if len(group) > 185: # very long (usually 191), stop trailer
elif len(group) > 20: # long (usually 33-34) is 1
lengths += "1"
lengths += "0"
if len(lengths) < 8:
return # some other payload, maybe repeat?
# match the last 16 bits, and hopefully first 16 but may be truncated so match from the back
match = re.match('^(.*)([01]{16})$', lengths)
if not match:
address_str, command_str = match.groups()
address = int(address_str, 2)
command = int(command_str, 2)
# if 16-bit command is 8-bits inverted, then is original 8-bit NEC
if command >> 8 == ~command & 0xff:
command = command & 0xff
#if address >> 8 == ~address & 0xff:
# address = address & 0xff
log("%.2x at %.2x" % (command, address))
# The RTL remote uses these commands for each button (found by empirical testing with Linux driver):
# 4d 01001101 power
# 54 01010100 source
# 16 00010110 mute
# 4c 01001100 record
# 05 00000101 ch+
# 0c 00001100 time shift
# 0a 00001010 vol-
# 40 01000000 fullscreen
# 1e 00011110 vol+
# 12 00010010 0
# 02 00000010 ch-
# 1c 00011100 recall
# 09 00001001 1
# 1d 00011101 2
# 1f 00011111 3
# 0d 00001101 4
# 19 00011001 5
# 1b 00011011 6
# 11 00010001 7
# 15 00010101 8
# 17 00010111 9
# power
if command == 0x4d:
log("Received IR power signal, shutting down!")
# recall
if command == 0xc7:
log("Received IR recall signal, rebooting!")
#def frombin(s):
# if s == '': return 0
# if len(s) != 8: return -1
# return int(s, 2)
#command_inv = frombin(lengths[len(lengths) - 8 - 1:-1])
#command = frombin(lengths[len(lengths) - 8*2-1:len(lengths) - 8-1])
#address_inv = frombin(lengths[len(lengths) - 8*3-1:len(lengths) - 8*2-1])
#address = frombin(lengths[len(lengths) - 8*4-1:len(lengths) - 8*3-1])
#log("%.2x %.2x %.2x %.2x" % (command, command_inv, address_inv, address))
# Integrity check by verifying command is inverted command inverted
#if command != ~command_inv & 0xff:
# "32-bit NEC (used by Apple and TiVo remotes)"
# see
# command = (command_inv << 8) | command
#if address != ~address_inv & 0xff:
# address_str = "%.2x" % (address,)
#log("%.2x %s" % (command_inv, lengths))
#cmd = "%.2x from %.2x" % (command, address)
#last_cmd = cmd
# Start bits are 8 zeros (may be partial) then 8 ones, match the 1's
# 0000001111111110110010010011011
# 0* 1{8} (.*)
#match = re.match('^0*1{8}(.*)', lengths)
#if match is None:
# #log('nothing in ',lengths)
# return
## payload = match.groups()[0]
#for i in range(0, len(groups), 2):
# a = groups[i]
# if i + 1 >= len(groups): break
# b = groups[i + 1]
# log(a,b)
def main():
if os.getuid() != 0:
log("Must run as root to shutdown")
raise SystemExit
while True:
# First, restart the SDR software so it reconnects to rtl_rpcd, opening the device (required for IR)
log("Running %s" % (RESTART_SDR_CMD,))
s = socket.socket()
s.connect((IR_ADDR, IR_PORT))
except socket.error as e:
log("Couldn't connect to %s:%s: %s, waiting..." % (IR_ADDR, IR_PORT, e))
log("Connected to %s:%s" % (IR_ADDR, IR_PORT))
log("Reading IR data...")
while True:
data = s.recv(1024)
if len(data) == 0: break
if data == '\0': continue # silence
pulses = unpack_pulses(data)
except socket.error as e:
log("Exception reading socket data: %s" % (e,))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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