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Ryan Wu ryanhanwu

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fiee / laenderinfos.sql
Last active July 17, 2023 14:04
table of information about all countries of the world (German names)
isocode_2 character(2) not null, -- ISO 3166 ALPHA-2
isocode_3 character(3) not null, -- ISO 3166 ALPHA-3
name character varying not null, -- deutscher Name des Landes (international besser via ISO-Code ankoppeln!) // German name of the country
vorwahl integer default null, -- internationale Vorwahl // international phone code
null_bei_vorwahl boolean default FALSE, -- muss man die Null der Ortsvorwahl auch nach der internationalen Vorwahl wählen? // must one dial zero between international and local phone code?
vorwahl_lokal boolean default FALSE, -- muss man vor Ort die Vorwahl wählen? // must one dial the local phone code also locally?
tld character varying default NULL, -- Top Level Domain
kfz character varying default NULL, -- KFZ-Kennzeichen // car code
kamermans /
Created July 11, 2011 17:06
Show status of all fail2ban jails at once
JAILS=`fail2ban-client status | grep "Jail list" | sed -E 's/^[^:]+:[ \t]+//' | sed 's/,//g'`
for JAIL in $JAILS
fail2ban-client status $JAIL
paulirish / rAF.js
Last active March 22, 2024 00:00
requestAnimationFrame polyfill
// requestAnimationFrame polyfill by Erik Möller. fixes from Paul Irish and Tino Zijdel
// MIT license
(function() {
var lastTime = 0;
var vendors = ['ms', 'moz', 'webkit', 'o'];
jaysonrowe / FizzBuzz.js
Created January 11, 2012 01:39
FizzBuzz JavaScript solution
for (var i=1; i <= 20; i++)
if (i % 15 == 0)
else if (i % 3 == 0)
else if (i % 5 == 0)
saetia / gist:1623487
Last active March 19, 2024 15:21
Clean Install – OS X 10.11 El Capitan

OS X Preferences

most of these require logout/restart to take effect

# Enable character repeat on keydown
defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false

# Set a shorter Delay until key repeat
joshuapowell / reset.less
Last active December 12, 2021 13:35
LESS: Global LESS CSS reset that gives elements default formatting.
* Global Reset of all HTML Elements
* Resetting all of our HTML Elements ensures a smoother
* visual transition between browsers. If you don't believe me,
* try temporarily commenting out this block of code, then go
* and look at Mozilla versus Safari, both good browsers with
* a good implementation of CSS. The thing is, all browser CSS
* defaults are different and at the end of the day if visual
* consistency is what we're shooting for, then we need to
srpouyet / mongodb
Created February 29, 2012 17:14
Mongodb logrotate on Ubuntu
# Put this in /etc/logrotate.d/mongodb
/var/log/mongo/*.log {
rotate 30
bga / [fun] various forms of ternary operator in JavaScript.js
Created March 7, 2012 15:10
[fun] various forms of ternary operator in JavaScript
// add your variants of
a ? b : c
// in comments :)
// a is boolean
// b and c - any type
// lazy evaluation isnt important
keeguon / countries.json
Created April 5, 2012 11:11
A list of countries in JSON
{name: 'Afghanistan', code: 'AF'},
{name: 'Åland Islands', code: 'AX'},
{name: 'Albania', code: 'AL'},
{name: 'Algeria', code: 'DZ'},
{name: 'American Samoa', code: 'AS'},
{name: 'AndorrA', code: 'AD'},
{name: 'Angola', code: 'AO'},
{name: 'Anguilla', code: 'AI'},
{name: 'Antarctica', code: 'AQ'},
jessedearing / gist:2351836
Created April 10, 2012 14:44 — forked from twoism-dev/gist:1183437
Create self-signed SSL certificate for Nginx
echo "Generating an SSL private key to sign your certificate..."
openssl genrsa -des3 -out myssl.key 1024
echo "Generating a Certificate Signing Request..."
openssl req -new -key myssl.key -out myssl.csr
echo "Removing passphrase from key (for nginx)..."
cp myssl.key
openssl rsa -in -out myssl.key