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Last active December 26, 2020 13:36
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next' n x = (x + n / x) / 2
-- [a0, f a0, f(f a0), f(f(f a0)), …]
repeat' f a = a : repeat' f (f a)
-- get approximations for square root of n by repeat' (next' n) a0
within' (eps a1:a2:rest)
| abs(a1 – a2) < eps = a2
| otherwise = within' eps (a2:rest)
sqrt' n a0 eps = within' eps $ repeat' (next' n) a0
relative' eps a1:a2:rest
| abs(a1 – a2) < eps*(abs a2) = a2
| otherwise = relative' eps a2:rest
relativeSqrt' n a0 eps = relative' eps $ repeat' (next' n) a0
easydiff' f x h = ((f (x+h)) - (f x)) / h
halve' x = x / 2
differentiate' h0 f x = map (easydiff' f x) (repeat' halve h0)
within' eps $ differentiate' h0 f x
elimerror' n (a1:a2:rest) =
((a2*(2**n) – a1) / (2**n - 1)) : elimerror' n (a2:rest)
order' a1:a2:a3:rest = round $ logBase 2 ((a1-a3)/(a2-a3) - 1)
improve' s = elimerror' (order' s) s
within' eps $ improve' $ differentiate' h0 f x
--or better
within' eps $ improve' $ improve' $ improve' $ differentiate' h0 f x
second' a1:a2:rest = a2
super' s = map second' (repeat' improve' s)
within' eps $ super' $ differentiate' h0 f x
easyintegrate' f a b = ((f a) + (f b))*(b-a) / 2
addpair' (a b) = a + b
zip' (a:as) (b:bs) = (a b) : (zip' as bs)
integrate' f a b = (easyintegrate' f a b) :
(map addpair (zip' (integrate' f a mid)
(integrate' f mid b)))
where mid = (a + b) / 2
within' eps $ integrate' f a b
relative' eps $ integrate' f a b
integrate' f a b = (easyintegrate' f a b) :
(map addpair (zip' (integrate' f a mid)
(integrate' f mid b)))
where mid = (a + b) / 2
integrate'' f a b = integ' f a b (f a) (f b)
integ' f a b fa fb = ((fa+fb) * (b-a) / 2) :
(map addpair (zip' (integrate'' f a m fa fm)
(integrate'' f m b fm fb)))
where mid = (a + b) / 2
fm = f mid
super' (integrate sin 0 4)
improve' (integrate f 0 1) where f x = 1/(1 + x*x)
var nil = undefined
var cons = x => xs => s => s(x)(xs)
var head = p => p(x => xs => x)
var tail = p => p(x => xs => xs)
var compose = f => g => x => f(g(x))
var shead = head
var stail = stream => tail(stream)()
var sfold = f => stream => f(shead(stream))(() => sfold(f)(stail(stream)))
var smap = f => sfold(compose(cons)(f))
sput = n => xs => {
if(n > 0) {
sput(n - 1)(stail(xs))
var repeat = n => cons(n)(() => repeat(n))
var nexta = n => x => (x + n/x)/2
var repeata = f => a => cons(a)(() => repeata(f)(f(a)))
var abs = x => x < 0 ? -x : x
var closeenough = delta => eps => guesses => {
return delta(shead(guesses))(shead(stail(guesses))) <= eps
? shead(stail(guesses))
: closeenough(delta)(eps)(stail(guesses))
var within = closeenough(x => y => abs(x - y))
var sqrt = eps => n => a0 => within(eps)(repeata(nexta(n))(a0))
var relative = closeenough(x => y => abs(x/y - 1))
var sqrtRelative = eps => n => a0 => relative(eps)(repeata(nexta(n))(a0))
var square = x => x * x
var easydiff = f => x => h => (f(x + h) - f(x))/h
var halve = x => x / 2
var differentiate = h0 => f => x => smap(easydiff(f)(x))(repeata(halve)(h0))
var derivative = within(0.000001)(differentiate(1)(square)(3))
var eliminateError = n => xs => cons((shead(stail(xs)) * Math.pow(2, n) - shead(xs))/(Math.pow(2, n) - 1))
(() => eliminateError(n)(stail(xs)))
var order = xs => {
var a = shead(xs)
var b = shead(stail(xs))
var c = shead(stail(stail(xs)))
return Math.round(Math.log2((a - c)/(b - c) - 1)) || 1
var improve = xs => eliminateError(order(xs))(xs)
var derivativeImproved = within(0.0001)(improve(differentiate(1)(x => x * x * x)(4)))
var second = compose(shead)(stail)
console.log(second(repeata(x => x + 1)(0)))
var superb = xs => smap(second)(repeata(improve)(xs))
var derivativeSuperb = within(0.0001)(superb(differentiate(1)(x => x * x * x)(4)))
var easyintegrate = f => a => b => (f(a) + f(b))*(b - a)/2
console.log(easyintegrate(x => x)(1)(2))
var addPair = p => head(p) + tail(p)
var showPair = p => "(" + head(p) + "," + tail(p) + ")"
var zip = xs => ys => cons(cons(shead(xs))(shead(ys)))
(() => zip(stail(xs))(stail(ys)))
// sput(3)(smap(addPair)(zip(repeat(1))(repeat(2))))
var mid = a => b => (a + b) / 2
var integrate = f => a => b => cons(easyintegrate(f)(a)(b))
(() => smap(addPair)(zip(integrate(f)(a)(mid(a)(b)))
//sput(4)(integrate(x => x*x)(1)(2))
var integration = within(0.0001)(superb(integrate(x => x*x)(1)(2)))
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