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Last active December 10, 2019 08:02
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Advent of code 2019
/* Run in IntelliJ scratch file */
// AoC 2019, day 2
enum class Operation(val action: (Int, Int) -> Int) {
PLUS({ first, second -> first + second }),
MULTIPLY({ first, second -> first * second }),
UNKNOWN({ _, _ -> throw IllegalArgumentException("No operation specified") })
fun performOperation(address: Int, opcodes: MutableList<Int>): Boolean {
val operation = when (opcodes[address]) {
1 -> Operation.PLUS
2 -> Operation.MULTIPLY
99 -> return true
else -> Operation.UNKNOWN
val parameterAddress1 = opcodes[address + 1]
val parameterAddress2 = opcodes[address + 2]
val destinationAddress = opcodes[address + 3]
opcodes[destinationAddress] = operation.action(opcodes[parameterAddress1], opcodes[parameterAddress2])
return false
fun run(originalOpcodes: List<Int>): List<Int> {
val opcodes = originalOpcodes.toMutableList()
var currentAddress = 0
var done = false
while (currentAddress <= opcodes.size && !done) {
done = performOperation(currentAddress, opcodes)
currentAddress += 4
return opcodes
fun findProperInput(opcodes: List<Int>): Pair<Int, Int> {
for (noun in 0..99) {
for (verb in 0..99) {
val tempOpcodes = opcodes.toMutableList()
tempOpcodes[1] = noun
tempOpcodes[2] = verb
if (run(tempOpcodes)[0] == 19690720) {
return noun to verb
throw IllegalStateException("No value found")
val opcodes = listOf(
import kotlin.math.absoluteValue
// AoC 2019, day 3
data class Input(val first: List<String>, val second: List<String>)
val testCases = listOf(
) to 6,
) to 159,
) to 135,
) to null
enum class Orientation { HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL;
val opposite get() = when (this) {
data class Segment(val start: Int, val end: Int, val crossAxis: Int, val orientation: Orientation) {
val distanceVector = end - start
val range = minOf(start, end)..maxOf(start, end)
override fun toString(): String {
return when (orientation) {
Orientation.HORIZONTAL -> "($start, $crossAxis) -> ($end, $crossAxis)"
Orientation.VERTICAL -> "($crossAxis, $start) -> ($crossAxis, $end)"
fun parseSegment(string: String, startX: Int, startY: Int): Segment {
val distance = string
.substring(1 until string.length)
return when(string.first()) {
'R' -> Segment(startX, startX + distance, startY, Orientation.HORIZONTAL)
'L' -> Segment(startX, startX - distance, startY, Orientation.HORIZONTAL)
'U' -> Segment(startY, startY + distance, startX, Orientation.VERTICAL)
'D' -> Segment(startY, startY - distance, startX, Orientation.VERTICAL)
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown direction: ${string.first()}")
fun parseSegmentList(firstPath: List<String>): List<Segment> {
var currentX = 0
var currentY = 0
return firstPath
.map {
parseSegment(it, currentX, currentY).also { segment ->
when (segment.orientation) {
Orientation.HORIZONTAL -> currentX += segment.distanceVector
Orientation.VERTICAL -> currentY += segment.distanceVector
// .map {
// println("Segment: $it")
// it
// }
fun findIntersectionDistances(firstSegments: List<Segment>, secondSegments: List<Segment>): List<Int> {
return firstSegments
.map { firstSegment ->
.filter { it.orientation == firstSegment.orientation.opposite }
.filter { it.crossAxis != 0 || firstSegment.crossAxis != 0 }
.filter {
// println("(comparing: $firstSegment and $it)")
(it.crossAxis in firstSegment.range) && (firstSegment.crossAxis in it.range)
.map {
// println("Intersection: $firstSegment and $it")
firstSegment.crossAxis.absoluteValue + it.crossAxis.absoluteValue
.fold(emptyList()) { acc: List<Int>, distanceList: List<Int> -> acc + distanceList }
fun run(firstPath: List<String>, secondPath: List<String>): Int? {
val firstSegments = parseSegmentList(firstPath)
val secondSegments = parseSegmentList(secondPath)
return findIntersectionDistances(firstSegments, secondSegments).min()
testCases.forEachIndexed { index, (input, expectedResult) ->
println("${input.first} | ${input.second}")
println("${index + 1}: ${run(input.first, input.second)} (expected $expectedResult)")
import kotlin.math.absoluteValue
// AoC 2019, day 3
data class Input(val first: List<String>, val second: List<String>)
val testCases = listOf(
) to 30,
) to 610,
) to 410,
) to null
enum class Orientation { HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL;
val opposite get() = when (this) {
data class Segment(
val start: Int,
val end: Int,
val crossAxis: Int,
val orientation: Orientation,
val startDistance: Int
) {
val distanceVector = end - start
val range = minOf(start, end)..maxOf(start, end)
fun cumulativeDistanceTo(crossAxisValue: Int) =
startDistance + (start - crossAxisValue).absoluteValue
override fun toString(): String {
return when (orientation) {
Orientation.HORIZONTAL -> "($start, $crossAxis) -> ($end, $crossAxis)"
Orientation.VERTICAL -> "($crossAxis, $start) -> ($crossAxis, $end)"
fun parseSegment(string: String, startX: Int, startY: Int, startDistance: Int): Segment {
val distance = string
.substring(1 until string.length)
return when(string.first()) {
'R' -> Segment(startX, startX + distance, startY, Orientation.HORIZONTAL, startDistance)
'L' -> Segment(startX, startX - distance, startY, Orientation.HORIZONTAL, startDistance)
'U' -> Segment(startY, startY + distance, startX, Orientation.VERTICAL, startDistance)
'D' -> Segment(startY, startY - distance, startX, Orientation.VERTICAL, startDistance)
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown direction: ${string.first()}")
fun parseSegmentList(firstPath: List<String>): List<Segment> {
var currentX = 0
var currentY = 0
var currentDistance = 0
return firstPath
.map {
parseSegment(it, currentX, currentY, currentDistance).also { segment ->
when (segment.orientation) {
Orientation.HORIZONTAL -> currentX += segment.distanceVector
Orientation.VERTICAL -> currentY += segment.distanceVector
currentDistance += segment.distanceVector.absoluteValue
// .map {
// println("Segment: $it")
// it
// }
fun findIntersectionDistances(firstSegments: List<Segment>, secondSegments: List<Segment>): List<Int> {
return firstSegments
.map { firstSegment ->
.filter { it.orientation == firstSegment.orientation.opposite }
.filter { it.crossAxis != 0 || firstSegment.crossAxis != 0 }
.filter {
// println("(comparing: $firstSegment and $it)")
(it.crossAxis in firstSegment.range) && (firstSegment.crossAxis in it.range)
.map {
// println("Intersection: $firstSegment and $it")
// Manhattan distance
// firstSegment.crossAxis.absoluteValue + it.crossAxis.absoluteValue
// Wire length distance
firstSegment.cumulativeDistanceTo(it.crossAxis) + it.cumulativeDistanceTo(firstSegment.crossAxis)
.fold(emptyList()) { acc: List<Int>, distanceList: List<Int> -> acc + distanceList }
fun run(firstPath: List<String>, secondPath: List<String>): Int? {
val firstSegments = parseSegmentList(firstPath)
val secondSegments = parseSegmentList(secondPath)
return findIntersectionDistances(firstSegments, secondSegments).min()
testCases.forEachIndexed { index, (input, expectedResult) ->
println("${input.first} | ${input.second}")
println("${index + 1}: ${run(input.first, input.second)} (expected $expectedResult)")
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