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Ryan Rampersad ryanmr

View GitHub Profile

Hey everyone,

I am living without a blog right now, but that has been on my mind over the last couple weeks. Setting up a blog tonight is definitely not workable, but setting up a simple blog-like gist is no problem at all.

I wanted to share here by Open Source North 2019 thoughts!

A brief preamble

In 2016, I learned of Open Source North and was lucky enough to receive a ticket from a friend. I attended that OSN as my first conference ever. Since then, I have promoted the idea of OSN being the best introduction conference for those new to the field. It's a local event, it's not too big, it's priced right (either inexpensive enough to be self-purchased as a student or pre-work, or cheap enough for a new hire to jump into without raising red flags at work for cost). I also say this is also a wonderfully well-rounded conference, ranging from frontend, to backend, to devops and more. Everything that intersects t

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am ryanmr on github.
  • I am ryanmr ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASCn_b5Lvo--MjFb3wtRVQ3lbpaXc__Ivkw35xm3bLVQ4wo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

import sys
from mutagen.id3 import ID3, CTOC, CHAP, TIT2, CTOCFlags
from mutagen import File
def main():
print "hi"
# target_file = "ns61-ian.mp3"
target_file = "pk43.mp3"
def split():(Deck, Deck) = {
val s = size()
val h = s / 2
val d1 = new Deck()
val d2 = new Deck()
for (i <- 1 to s) {
getCard() match {
case Some(card) => {
if (i < h) {
document.addEventListener('touchmove', function (e) {
var c = document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')[0],
x = c.getContext('2d'),
pr = window.devicePixelRatio || 1,
w = window.innerWidth,
h = window.innerHeight,
f = 90,
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Frontend;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Http\Requests;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use \Carbon\Carbon;
array:2 [▼
0 => array:3 [▼
"query" => "select * from `episodes` where (`hidden` = ? and `unlisted` = ? and `state` = ? and exists (select * from `series` where `episodes`.`series_id` = `series`.`id` and `slug` = ?) or exists (select * from `episodes_relations` as `self_a536d4a0691c58055cceecc94fd32e35` where `self_a536d4a0691c58055cceecc94fd32e35`.`episode_id` = `episodes`.`id` and `type` = ? and exists (select * from `series` where `episodes`.`series_id` = `series`.`id` and `slug` = ?) and `episodes`.`deleted_at` is null)) and `episodes`.`deleted_at` is null order by `published_at` desc, `created_at` desc"
"bindings" => array:6 [▼
0 => false
1 => false
2 => "published"
3 => "pk"
4 => "parent"
5 => "pk"
episodes (id, series_id, ...etc)
episode_relations (id, episode_id, episode_related_id)
series (id, slug, ...etc)
Some episodes are related to each other by the episodes_relations pivot table.
get all of the episodes of the `specified-slug` series, and all of the episodes of `special-slug` that have a related parent episode that is in the `specified-slug` series
$episodes = App\Episode::with(['related'])
whereHas('related', function($query){
$query->where('type', '=', 'parent')
->whereHas('related.series', function($query){
$query->where('slug', '=', 'pk');

A short story about a six month bug

I've been tinkering with Laravel for at least six months ago with a realistic goal of finishing a custom Nexus CMS before I expire of old age. A few months ago, I came around to adding the functionality for Episode events, specifically, applying default hosts and album art to an episode of none were specified when it was initally created -- short of a shortcut feature.

I will be addressing some classes (an Event, and a Listener, and below, a tiny fraction of the Episode model) from this gist published earlier. There might be some minor changes between this and production code, but it suffices.

    public function store(Request $request)