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Created September 23, 2020 01:10
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Flutter and Dart Web Release Mode Minified Runtime Type Issue
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
void main() {
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
title: 'Flutter Issue Demo',
theme: ThemeData(
primarySwatch: Colors.indigo,
visualDensity: VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity,
home: IssueDemo(title: 'Web Minified RunTime Type Issue'),
enum TestEnum { testValue1, testValue2 }
class IssueDemo extends StatelessWidget {
IssueDemo({Key key, this.title}) : super(key: key);
final String title;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
TestEnum value1 = TestEnum.testValue1;
final List<String> splitEnum = value1.toString().split('.');
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
elevation: 0,
title: Text(title),
body: Center(
child: Column(
children: <Widget>[
Text('enum TestEnum { testValue1, testValue2 }\n'),
Text('value1 = $value1'),
Text('splitEnum = $splitEnum \n'),
Text('splitEnum.length = ${splitEnum.length} (Expected: 2)\n'),
Text('splitEnum[0] = ${splitEnum[0]} (Expected: TestEnum)'),
Text('value1.runtimeType.toString() = '
'${value1.runtimeType.toString()} (Expected: TestEnum)'),
// If you uncomment the Text() widget further below the build will fail due to
// the unexpected and unhandled exceptions it throws in a Web release build.
// It throws an exception if the String from the part from the used enum
// before the "." does not match the runtime type of the same enum.
// In a release mode Web build that
// type has been minified to something else, so they will never match
// and the exception will always be thrown. In Web debug and profile mode
// builds this minification does not happen and the code runs OK, it used
// run OK on older version of Web Beta too, but apparently this
// minification is a new optimization.
// (On devices and desktop the code also works OK in release mode.)
// Uncomment the next widget to break the build in Web release mode.
// Text(
// 'Enum to string: ${EnumToString.convertToString(TestEnum.testValue1)}'),
// The code below is 1:1 copy of the package code from the enum_to_string
// package on, version 1.0.11, that lead to the discovery of this issue.
// The debugPrints are my additions to be able to detect where the code breaks
// in the Web --release build.
// The package is made by Ryan Knell. MIT License.
class NotAnEnumException implements Exception {
dynamic value;
String toString() =>
'${value.toString()} of type ${value.runtimeType.toString()} is not an enum item.';
class EnumToString {
static bool _isEnumItem(enumItem) {
final splitted_enum = enumItem.toString().split('.');
debugPrint('The issue is here in release build');
debugPrint('splitted_enum.length=${splitted_enum.length} (Expected: 2)');
debugPrint('splitted_enum[0]=${splitted_enum[0]} (Expected: TestEnum)');
debugPrint('enumItem.runtimeType.toString() '
'${enumItem.runtimeType.toString()} (Expected: TestEnum)');
return splitted_enum.length > 1 &&
splitted_enum[0] == enumItem.runtimeType.toString();
/// Convert an enum to a string
/// Pass in the enum value, so TestEnum.valueOne into [enumItem]
/// It will return the striped off value so "valueOne".
/// If you pass in the option [camelCase]=true it will convert it to words
/// So TestEnum.valueOne will become Value One
static String convertToString(enumItem, {bool camelCase = false}) {
if (enumItem == null) return null;
debugPrint('Place 01');
if (!_isEnumItem(enumItem)) {
debugPrint('Place 02');
throw NotAnEnumException(enumItem);
debugPrint('Place 03');
final _tmp = enumItem.toString().split('.')[1];
debugPrint('Place 04');
return !camelCase ? _tmp : camelCaseToWords(_tmp);
'Renamed function to EnumToString.convertToString to make it clearer')
static String parse(enumItem, {bool camelCase = false}) =>
convertToString(enumItem, camelCase: camelCase);
/// An alias for parse(item, camelCase: true)
'Deprecated in favour of using convertToString(item, camelCase: true)')
static String parseCamelCase(enumItem) {
return EnumToString.convertToString(enumItem, camelCase: true);
/// Given a string, find and return its matching enum value
/// You need to pass in the values of the enum object. So TestEnum.values
/// in the first argument. The matching value is the second argument.
/// Example final result = EnumToString.fromString(TestEnum.values, "valueOne")
/// result == TestEnum.valueOne //true
static T fromString<T>(List<T> enumValues, String value) {
if (value == null || enumValues == null) return null;
return enumValues.singleWhere(
(enumItem) =>
EnumToString.convertToString(enumItem)?.toLowerCase() ==
orElse: () => null);
/// Get the index of the enum value
/// Pass in the enum values to argument one, so TestEnum.values
/// Pass in the matching string to argument 2, so "valueOne"
/// Eg. final index = EnumToString.indexOf(TestEnum.values, "valueOne")
/// index == 0 //true
static int indexOf<T>(List<T> enumValues, String value) =>
enumValues.indexOf(fromString<T>(enumValues, value));
static List<String> toList<T>(List<T> enumValues, {bool camelCase = false}) {
if (enumValues == null) return null;
final _enumList = enumValues
.map((t) => !camelCase
? EnumToString.convertToString(t)
: EnumToString.convertToString(t, camelCase: true))
return _enumList;
/// Get a list of enums given a list of strings.
/// Basically just EnumToString.fromString, but using lists
/// Returns null for items that are not found.
/// As with fromString it is not case sensitive
/// Eg. EnumToString.fromList(TestEnum.values, ["valueOne", "value2"]
static List<T> fromList<T>(List<T> enumValues, List valueList) {
if (valueList == null || enumValues == null) return null;
return List<T>.from(valueList
.map((item) => item == null ? null : fromString(enumValues, item)));
// adapted from
const String UPPERCASE =
const String LOWERCASE =
const String DIGIT = r'\d';
const String DINGBAT_BLOCK = r'\u2700-\u27BF';
const String NON_CHAR = r'\x00-\x2F\x3A-\x40\x5B-\x60\x7b-\xBF\xD7\xF7';
const String GENERAL_PUNCTUATION = r'\u2000-\u206F';
const String WHITESPACE =
r'\t-\r \x85\xA0\u1680\u2000-\u200A\u2028\u2029\u202F\u205F\u3000';
const String WORD = '(?:[' +
'][' +
']*)?(?:[' +
'][' +
']*)+|(?:[' +
'][' +
']*)+(?![' +
'])|[' +
']+|[' +
']|[^' +
String camelCaseToWords(String subject,
[Pattern customPattern = defaultPattern]) {
if (subject is! String || subject.isEmpty) {
return '';
RegExp pattern;
if (customPattern is String) {
pattern = RegExp(customPattern);
} else if (customPattern is RegExp) {
pattern = customPattern;
final words = pattern.allMatches(subject).map((m) =>;
words[0] = words[0][0].toUpperCase() + words[0].substring(1);
for (var i = 1; i < words.length; i++) {
words[i] = words[i].toLowerCase();
return words.join(' ');
const String defaultPattern = WORD;
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rydmike commented Sep 23, 2020

Sample code for Flutter issue:

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