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Created April 14, 2018 02:36
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;;; cal-tex-color.el -- cal-tex-color for year calendar TeX for color.
;; Copyright (C) 2014, 2018 fubuki
;; Author: fubuki@*****.org
;; Keywords: tools
;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;;; Installation:
;; (require 'cal-tex-color)
;;; Code:
(require 'calendar)
(require 'cal-tex)
(require 'holidays)
(defcustom cal-tex-color-mode 'color
"cal-tex-color color flag."
:type '(choice (const :tag "mono" mono)
(const :tag "color" color))
:group 'calendar-tex)
(when (eq cal-tex-color-mode 'color)
(setq cal-tex-preamble-extra "\\usepackage[dvipdfmx]{graphicx,xcolor}"))
(defcustom cal-day-name-blackets
'((mono . ("(%s)" "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s"))
(color . ("{\\color{red}%s}" "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" "{\\color{blue}%s}")))
"cal-tex-color Day name Blackets."
:type '(list cons cons)
:group 'calendar-tex)
(defcustom cal-day-holiday-blackets
'((mono . "[%s]")
(color . "{\\color{red}%s}"))
"cal-tex-color Holiday name Blackets."
:type '(list cons cons)
:group 'calendar-tex)
(defcustom cal-tex-holiday-mark 'char
"cal-tex-color Holiday style.
nil : Legacy (Non Blackets)
digi : [digi]
char : [char]"
:type '(choice
(const :tag "Legacy" nil)
(const :tag "[digit]" digi)
(const :tag "[char]" char))
:group 'calendar-tex)
(defcustom cal-tex-holiday-name-alias nil
"*cal-tex-minicalendar Holiday Short names alist.
'((\"み\" . \"緑\") (\"こ\" . \"子\") (\"敬\" . \"老\") (\"天\" . \"皇\"))"
:type '(repeat (cons string string))
:group 'calendar-tex)
(defcustom holiday-length 1
"*cal-tex short name length."
:type 'integer
:group 'calendar-tex)
;;; (defun holiday-char (holiday)
;;; (let* ((str (or (car holiday) ""))
;;; (key (ignore-errors (substring str 0 holiday-length)))
;;; (rep (assoc key cal-tex-holiday-name-alias)))
;;; (if rep (cdr rep) key)))
;; cal-tex-mini-calendar for color
(defun cal-tex-mini-calendar-wrap (month year name width height &optional ptsize colsep)
"Produce mini-calendar for MONTH, YEAR in macro NAME with WIDTH and HEIGHT.
Optional string PTSIZE gives the point size (default \"scriptsize\").
Optional string COLSEP gives the column separation (default \"1mm\").
Edit: Holiday is \"(\"day\")\"."
(or colsep (setq colsep "1mm"))
(or ptsize (setq ptsize "scriptsize"))
(let* ((blank-days ; at start of month
(mod (- (calendar-day-of-week (list month 1 year))
(mode cal-tex-color-mode)
(name-blackets (cdr (assq mode cal-day-name-blackets)))
(holiday-blackets (cdr (assq mode cal-day-holiday-blackets)))
(last (calendar-last-day-of-month month year))
(mark cal-tex-holiday-mark)
(len holiday-length)
(alias cal-tex-holiday-name-alias)
(str (concat "\\def\\" name "{\\hbox to" width "{%\n"
"\\vbox to" height "{%\n"
"\\vfil \\hbox to" width "{%\n"
"\\hfil\\" ptsize
(let ((align (if mark "c@" "r@")))
"{@{\\hspace{0mm}}r@{\\hspace{" colsep
"}}" align "{\\hspace{" colsep "}}" align "{\\hspace{" colsep
"}}" align "{\\hspace{" colsep "}}" align "{\\hspace{" colsep
"}}" align "{\\hspace{" colsep "}}" align "{\\hspace{0mm}}}%\n"))
(cal-tex-month-name month)
" "
(number-to-string year)
(dotimes (i 7)
(setq str
(concat str
(format (nth (mod (+ calendar-week-start-day i) 7)
(substring (aref calendar-day-name-array
(mod (+ calendar-week-start-day i) 7))
0 2)))
(if (= i 6)
" & "))))
(dotimes (_idummy blank-days)
(setq str (concat str " & ")))
(dotimes (i last)
(let ((hol (car (calendar-check-holidays (list month (1+ i) year)))))
(setq str (concat str
(cond ; LEVEL 1
((and mark hol) ; if [holiday]
(format holiday-blackets
(cond ; LEVEL 2
((eq mark 'digi) ;; [num]
(number-to-string (1+ i)))
((eq mark 'char) ;; [char]
(let* ((key (ignore-errors (substring hol 0 len)))
(rep (assoc key alias)))
(or (cdr rep) key))))))
(mark ; if (sunday)
(nth (mod (+ blank-days calendar-week-start-day i) 7)
(number-to-string (1+ i))))
(number-to-string (1+ i)))))
str (concat str (if (zerop (mod (+ i 1 blank-days) 7))
(if (= i (1- last))
" & ")))))
(setq str (concat str "\n\\end{tabular}\\hfil}\\vfil}}}%\n"))
(advice-add 'cal-tex-mini-calendar :override 'cal-tex-mini-calendar-wrap)
(provide 'cal-tex-color)
;; fin.
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