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Last active January 10, 2021 05:22
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;;; multipart-decode.el -- Multipart Decode.
;; Copyright (C) 2018, 2021
;; @(#)$Revision: 1.5 $
;; Author:
;; Keywords: tools
;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;; When executed in the mail buffer, the buffer is decoded into human readable form.
;; Wherever the cursor at the start is located,
;; it covers from the beginning to the end of the buffer.
;;; Installation:
;; (require 'mew-search-with-builtin)
;;; Code:
(defgroup multipart-decode nil
"Multipart decode."
:group 'mew
:version "27.1"
:prefix "mpd-")
(defcustom mpd-multipart-regexp
"^Content-Type: \\(?1:multipart/\\(?:alternative;\\|mixed;\\|related;\\|report;\\)\\).*\n?.+\n?.*boundary=\"?\\(?2:[^\"\n]+\\)\"?"
"Content-Type Multipart header."
:type 'regexp
:group 'multipart-decode)
(defcustom mpd-text-regexp
"^Content-Type: \\(?1:\\(?:text\\|message\\)/\\(?:plain\\|html\\|rfc822\\)\\)\\(?:\\(?:;\\|;\n\\).*charset=\"?\\(?2:[^;\"\n]+\\)\"?\\)?"
"Content-Type Type header."
:type 'regexp
:group 'multipart-decode)
(defcustom mpd-enco-regexp
"^Content-Transfer-Encoding: \\(?1:.+\\)$"
"Content-Type Concoding type header."
:type 'regexp
:group 'multipart-decode)
(defcustom mpd-decode-function-alist
'(("base64" . base64-decode-string)
("B" . base64-decode-string)
("quoted-printable" . quoted-printable-decode-string-silence)
("Q" . quoted-printable-decode-string-silence))
"Decode function Symbol alist."
:type '(repeat (cons string function))
:group 'multipart-decode)
(defcustom mpd-regular-alist
'((shift-jis . shift_jis)
(cp-850 . cp437)
(cp-1252 . iso-8859-1)
(134 . gb2312)
(ansi_x3\.4-1968 . utf-8))
"ほぼ spam にしか現われないので設定しなくても問題ない."
:type '(repeat (cons (choice symbol number) coding-system))
:group 'multipart-decode)
;; 以下の macro の各要素の番号は `mpd-content-type' の戻り値が基準
(defmacro mpd-type-type (contents)
`(elt ,contents 0))
(defmacro mpd-type-boundary (contents)
`(elt ,contents 1))
(defmacro mpd-type-char (contents)
`(elt ,contents 2))
(defmacro mpd-type-enco (contents)
`(elt ,contents 3))
(defmacro mpd-type-beg (contents)
`(elt ,contents 4))
(defmacro mpd-type-end (contents)
`(elt ,contents 5))
(defmacro mpd-type-set-beg (contents val)
`(aset ,contents 4 ,val))
(defmacro mpd-type-set-end (contents val)
`(aset ,contents 5 ,val))
(defvar mpd-subject-list '("^From:" "^To:" "^Subject:" "^Cc:"))
(defun quoted-printable-decode-string-silence (string &optional coding)
"\"Malformed quoted-printable text\" のエコーエリア出力を抑止. *Messages* には残る."
(let ((inhibit-message t))
(quoted-printable-decode-string string coding)))
(defun multipart-decode (&optional buffer)
"buffer の encode 部分等を展開する.
シングルパート/マルチパート の base64 quoted-printable のプレーン text と html に対応.
zip jpg pdf 等のバイナリは誤マッチ防止のため残さないで削除します."
(let (boundary match)
(with-current-buffer (or buffer (current-buffer))
(goto-char (point-min))
(dolist (subj mpd-subject-list)
(mpd-subject-decode subj))
(setq boundary (and (re-search-forward mpd-multipart-regexp nil t) (match-string 2)))
(mpd-multipart-buffer-decode boundary))
(mpd-single-buffer-decode mpd-text-regexp)))))))
(defun mpd-regular (string)
"STRING を intern して symbol にして返し、数字文字列なら数値にして返す.
但し連想リスト `mpd-regular-alist' に置換するシンボルが設定されていればそれを返す."
(let ((num (string-to-number string))
(sym (intern (downcase string))))
(or (cdr (assq (if (zerop num) sym num) mpd-regular-alist)) sym)))
(defun mpd-content-type ()
"開始ポイントは \"boundary\" Search 直後に在ると想定し、
直後に続く \"Content-Type: \" 行のパラメータをベクター(並びは返り値の通り)にして返す.
対応しているのは変数 `mpd-multipart-regexp' `mpd-text-regexp' `mpd-enco-regexp'
終了時のポイントは \"Content-Type: \" 行の後のそれ以外の行の行頭に在る."
(let (type boundary char encoding beg end)
(catch 'break
(while (zerop (forward-line))
((looking-at mpd-multipart-regexp)
(setq type (match-string 1)
boundary (match-string 2))
(goto-char (match-end 0)))
((looking-at mpd-text-regexp)
(setq type (match-string 1)
char (if (match-string 2)
(mpd-regular (match-string 2))
(goto-char (match-end 0)))
((looking-at mpd-enco-regexp)
(setq encoding (downcase (match-string 1)))
(goto-char (match-end 0)))
((not (looking-at "^\n"))
(throw 'break nil)))))
(vector type boundary char encoding beg end)))
(defun mpd-subject-decode (subject)
"Message buffer 内の `mpd-subject-list' の中のキーワード箇所が
デコードすればその文字列を返し、デコードが発生しなければ NIL を返す."
(let (beg end string non-ascii)
(goto-char (point-min))
(when (re-search-forward subject nil t)
(setq beg (point))
(catch 'break
(while (not (eobp))
((looking-at "[ \t]+\"?=\\?\\(?1:[^?]+\\)\\?\\(?2:.\\)\\?\\(?3:[^?]+\\)\\?=\"?")
(let* ((code (mpd-regular (match-string 1)))
(enco (match-string 2))
(subj (match-string 3))
(func (assoc-default (upcase enco) mpd-decode-function-alist)))
(setq non-ascii t)
(setq end (match-end 0))
(setq string
(decode-coding-string (funcall func subj) code)))
(goto-char end)))
((looking-at "\\(?1:[ \t]\\)\\(?2:[^ \n]+\\)")
(setq end (match-end 0))
(setq string (concat string (match-string 1) (match-string 2)))
(goto-char end))
(throw 'break nil)))))
(when non-ascii
(delete-region beg (progn (goto-char end) (point)))
(insert " " string))
(defun mpd-multipart-buffer-decode (boundary)
"`multipart-decode' の実体. 再帰でループする."
(let (types beg)
(while (search-forward boundary nil t) ; メタ文字が使われている場合があるので普通のサーチ
(setq types (mpd-content-type))
(mpd-type-type types)
(mpd-type-char types)
(mpd-type-boundary types)
(mpd-type-enco types))
((mpd-type-boundary types)
(mpd-multipart-buffer-decode (mpd-type-boundary types)))
((or (string-match "rfc822" (or (mpd-type-type types) ""))
(assoc (mpd-type-enco types) mpd-decode-function-alist))
(mpd-decode-body boundary types)))))))
(defun mpd-single-buffer-decode (regexp) ; mpd-text-regexp
(let (type code enco)
(when (re-search-forward regexp nil t)
(setq type (match-string 1))
(setq code
(if (match-string 4)
(intern (downcase (match-string 4)))
(unless code
(goto-char (point-min))
(when (re-search-forward mpd-text-regexp nil t)
(setq code (mpd-regular (or (match-string 2) "utf-8")))))
(goto-char (point-min)) ; 順不動なので仕切り直す
(when (re-search-forward mpd-enco-regexp nil t)
(setq enco (match-string 1)))
(when (assoc enco mpd-decode-function-alist)
;; 次の関数の為にポントを本文に合わせておく
(if (re-search-forward "\n\n" nil t) (end-of-line 0))
(mpd-decode-body nil (vector type nil code enco nil nil))))))
(defun mpd-decode-body (boundary types)
現在ポイントの次の行から BOUNDARY の 1行上の行末までを
変数 `mpd-decode-function-alist' の中の ENCO に対応した関数で
CODE にデコードしたものと差替える.
BOUNDARY が NIL だとバッファエンドまでが対象となる.
但し base64 の場合はその後にテキストのあるケースがあった為連続改行までとする.
Decode の必要の無いプレーンテキスト等の場合差替は発生せずカーソルだけが移動する.
`types' の中にも `boundary' はあるが次の `boundary' や
NIL である可能性もあるので個別になっている."
(let ((func (assoc-default (mpd-type-enco types) mpd-decode-function-alist))
(mpd-type-set-beg types (point))
;; Single Part 切出しポイントゲット
((null boundary)
(if (string-equal (mpd-type-enco types) "base64")
(or (prog1 (search-forward "\n\n" nil t) (backward-char))
(goto-char (point-max)))
(goto-char (point-max))))
;; Multi Part 切出しポイントゲット
((search-forward boundary nil t)
(end-of-line 0))
(goto-char (point-max))))
(mpd-type-set-end types (point))
;; 差替本体 仮に関数化する場合に備えて分離しやすくしてある
(let ((beg (mpd-type-beg types))
(end (mpd-type-end types)))
((string-match "rfc822" (or (mpd-type-type types) ""))
(let ((string (buffer-substring beg end)))
(setq string
(insert string)
(multipart-decode) ; 更に再帰
(delete-region beg end)
(insert string)))
((not (string-match "text\\|html" (or (mpd-type-type types) "")))
(delete-region beg end))
(setq string
(funcall func (buffer-substring beg end))
(mpd-type-char types)))
(delete-region beg end)
(insert string))))))
(provide 'multipart-decode)
;; fin.
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Suppress echo area output of "Malformed quoted-printable text". It remains in Messages.

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