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Created February 9, 2016 10:21
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much simpler
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import re
from datetime import datetime
import sys
LOGFILE = '/var/log/nginx/access.log'
combined = '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" $status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent"'
timed_combined = '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" $status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" "$request_time"'
start_time =
status_codes = {'2xx': 0,
'3xx': 0,
'4xx': 0,
'5xx': 0}
times = {
'count': 0,
'total': 0,
'max': 0
def reverse_read(fname, separator=os.linesep):
with file(fname) as f:, 2) # seek to the end of the file
fsize = f.tell() # get file size
r_cursor = 1
while r_cursor <= fsize:
a_line = ''
while r_cursor <= fsize: * r_cursor, 2)
r_cursor += 1
c =
if c == separator and a_line:
r_cursor -= 1
a_line += c
a_line = a_line[::-1]
yield a_line
for line in reverse_read(LOGFILE):
regex = ''.join('(?P<' + g + '>.*?)' if g else re.escape(c) for g, c in re.findall(r'\$(\w+)|(.)', timed_combined))
m = re.match(regex, line)
if not m:
regex = ''.join('(?P<' + g + '>.*?)' if g else re.escape(c) for g, c in re.findall(r'\$(\w+)|(.)', combined))
m = re.match(regex, line)
data = m.groupdict()
line_time = datetime.strptime(data['time_local'], '%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S +0000')
delta = start_time - line_time
if delta.seconds < 30:
code = data['status']
if code not in status_codes.keys():
status_codes[code] = 1
status_codes[code] += 1
if code.startswith('2'):
status_codes['2xx'] += 1
if code.startswith('3'):
status_codes['3xx'] += 1
if code.startswith('4'):
status_codes['4xx'] += 1
if code.startswith('5'):
status_codes['5xx'] += 1
if 'request_time' in data.iterkeys():
time_taken = data['request_time']
if 'min' not in times.iterkeys():
times['min'] = time_taken
times['count'] += 1
times['total'] += float(time_taken)
if time_taken > times['max']:
times['max'] = time_taken
if time_taken < times['min']:
times['min'] = time_taken
message = "OK | "
for k, v in status_codes.iteritems():
message += "%s=%s;;;; " % (k, v)
if times['count'] > 0:
message += "avg_time=%0.2fs;;;; " % (float(times['total'])/float(times['count']))
if 'request_time' in data.iterkeys():
message += "max_time=%0.2fs;;;; min_time=%0.2fs;;;;" % (float(times['max']), float(times['min']))
print message
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sacreman commented Feb 9, 2016

OK | 3xx=0;;;; 2xx=9;;;; 200=9;;;; 5xx=0;;;; 4xx=0;;;; avg_time=6.24s;;;; max_time=6.07s;;;; min_time=0.01s;;;;

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