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safiire / phase_accumulator.dsp
Last active December 22, 2015 19:19
A Phase Accumulator / Sine wave generator in Faust
Tau = 6.283185307179586;
Pi = 3.141592653589793;
Fs = SR;
oscillator(f, amplitude) = phase_accumulator(w) : sinf * amplitude with {
w = f / Fs * Tau;
sinf = ffunction(float sinf(float), <math.h>, "");
safiire / pi_infinite_series
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
Compute π with an infinite series
def f(n)
(2 * n + 1)**-1
def g(n)
def pi
safiire / dual_number_derivative.rb
Last active October 2, 2016 12:18
Simulataneously calculate a function and it's derivitive using Dual Numbers
require 'matrix'
## Note: In ruby the notation x**n means x raised to the nth power
## In linear algebra, Dual numbers are in the form:
## a + bε
## Where ε is what is called nilpotent, you can think of
## ε as an infinitesimal (sort of kinda), like how they used to do Calculus in the
## olden days.
safiire / rc_filter_simulation.rb
Created February 10, 2014 18:40
RC Lowpass Filter Simulation in both Ruby and Rust for comparison.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# encoding: UTF-8
require 'complex'
Tau = 2 * Math::PI
TableWidth = 20
## This is a script I was using to simulate an analog Resistor
## Capacitor in series filter, to see if I had the math right.
safiire / the_greatest_english_paragraph_of_all.txt
Created February 12, 2014 18:55
This is likley the greatest English paragraph, of all.
For although light oftenest behaves as a wave, it can be looked on as a mote, the *lightbit*.
We have already said by the way that a mote of stuff can behave not only as a chunk, but as a wave.
Down among the unclefts, things do not happen in steady flowings, but in leaps between bestandings that are forbidden.
The knowledge-hunt of this is called *lump beholding*.
safiire / lowpass.cpp
Created July 8, 2014 04:09
One Zero Low Pass Filter
#include <iostream>
#include <complex>
#define PI 3.141592653589793
#define SAMPLE_RATE 64
using namespace std;
// This lowpass is a weighted moving average
// If you change the + to - it will become a highpass filter
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "common.h"
// Enums
safiire / c++11_example.cpp
Last active May 25, 2016 00:23
Messing around with C++11
// C++11 is pretty neat so far.
// clang++ yay.cpp -o yay -std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <functional>
using namespace std;
safiire / intersect.rb
Created August 28, 2014 04:02
Line Intersection with Matrices
require 'matrix'
## Random program that uses matrices to find intersection between 2 lines
## the linear algebra way.
## I am not sure why I made this, but it's probably because I like matrices
class Line
attr_reader :slope, :offset
safiire / blog_sound_demo.asm
Created March 30, 2015 21:17
NES sound demo from my blog post.
; Create an iNES header
.ines {"prog": 1, "char": 0, "mapper": 0, "mirror": 0}
; Include all the symbols in the nes library
.inc <nes.sym>