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Created June 21, 2018 14:22
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# ScoreKeeper ![CI status](
ScoreKeeper is the application as a part of Google Udacity India Scholar Android Basic Nanodegree Project.
## Gif
![scorekeeper.gif](/gifs/scorekeeper.gif?raw=true "scorekeeper.gif")
## Screenshots
<img src="/screenshots/001.png" width="300"/>
<img src="/screenshots/002.png" width="300"/>
<img src="/screenshots/003.png" width="300"/>
<img src="/screenshots/004.png" width="300"/>
<img src="/screenshots/005.png" width="300"/>
<img src="/screenshots/006.png" width="300"/>
## About
### Sdk and tools
* compileSdkVersion = 28
* minSdkVersion = 16
* targetSdkVersion = 28
### Native Android Dependencies
* supportLibraryVersion = '27.1.1'
### Butter knife for view binding
* butterKnifeVersion = '8.8.1'
### Test dependencies
* junitVersion = '4.12'
* espressoVersion = '3.0.2'
## Rubric and features
* Tried to follow best practices
* Style for common set of attributes
* Resource files according to type of resources. E.g. dimens for dimensions
* Proper unit according to type of resource. E.g. sp for TextView
* Java documentation throughout the application
* Proper usage of Android Studio's _Reformat_ and _Rearrange_ option
* There are two teams separated by a column (View divider)
* Each team has a unique team name, current score and set of custom buttons to add 3, 2 and 1 points
* Result button to see the result
* Reset button to reset the game at any stage
* [Dialog Fragment]( to show _result_ and _reset alert_
* Custom button with gradient background, rounded corners and ripple effects for Api 21 and above
* Screen configuration (Orientation) change support
* Optimized singleton for Typeface
## Contributing
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
## License
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