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Created February 4, 2011 13:08
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saimonmoore's guardfile
# A sample Guardfile
# More info at
guard 'livereload', :api_version => '1.5' do
guard 'ego' do
guard 'bundler' do
# Uncomment next line if Gemfile contain `gemspec' command
# watch('^.+\.gemspec')
#!!! IMPORTANT: place Spork guard before rspec/cucumber guards !!!
#guard 'spork' do
#:wait => 30 # Seconds to wait server launch, default 20
#:cucumber => false
#:rspec => false
#:bundler => false # don't use "bundle exec"
#:rspec_port => xxxx # default 8989
#:cucumber_port => xxxx # default 8990
#guard 'rspec' do
#watch('^app/(.*)\.rb') { |m| "spec/#{m[1]}_spec.rb" }
#watch('^lib/(.*)\.rb') { |m| "spec/lib/#{m[1]}_spec.rb" }
#watch('^spec/spec_helper.rb') { "spec" }
#watch('^config/routes.rb') { "spec/routing" }
#watch('^app/controllers/application_controller.rb') { "spec/controllers" }
#watch('^spec/factories.rb') { "spec/models" }
#:color => false
#:drb => true
#:bundler => false # don't use "bundle exec"
#:rvm => ['1.8.7', '1.9.2'] # directly run your specs on multiple ruby
#:formatter => "instafail" # show failing specs instantly
#:fail_fast => true # RSpec 2.1+ only
#guard 'cucumber' do
#watch(%r{features/support/.+}) { 'features' }
#watch(%r{features/step_definitions/.+}) { 'features' }
#:color => false # Disable colored output
#:drb => true # Enable Spork DRb server
#:port => 1234 # Set custom Spork port
#:bundler => false # Don't use "bundle exec"
#:rvm => ['1.8.7', '1.9.2'] # Directly run your specs on multiple ruby
#:profile => 'cucumber_profile' # Let cucumber use another profile than the default one
# Add files and commands to this file, like the example:
# watch('file/path') { `command(s)` }
#guard 'shell' do
#watch('(.*).txt') {|m| `tail #{m[0]}` }
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