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Created January 16, 2017 07:29
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use JSON::Fast;
use nqp;
use Data::Dump;
use lib 'lib';
use UCDlib;
INIT say "Initializing…";
my Str $folder = "UNIDATA";
my %points;
my %binary-properties;
my %enumerated-properties;
my %all-properties;
my %decomp_spec;
my %point-to-struct;
my %bitfields;
my %point-index;
my Int $bin-index = -1;
my $indent = "\c[SPACE]" x 4;
sub circumfix:<⟅ ⟆>(*@array) returns str {
sub MAIN ( Bool :$dump = False, Bool :$nomake = False, Bool :$less = False ) {
chdir "..";
enumerated-property(1, 'N', 'East_Asian_Width', 'extracted/DerivedEastAsianWidth');
enumerated-property(1, 'N', 'East_Asian_Width', 'EastAsianWidth');
enumerated-property(1, '', 'Jamo_Short_Name', 'Jamo');
binary-property(1, 'PropList');
enumerated-property(1, 'L', 'Bidi_Class', 'extracted/DerivedBidiClass');
enumerated-property(1, 'No_Joining_Group', 'Joining_Group', 'extracted/DerivedJoiningGroup');
enumerated-property(1, 'Non_Joining', 'Joining_Type', 'extracted/DerivedJoiningGroup');
UnicodeData("UnicodeData", $less);
enumerated-property(1, 'Other', 'Grapheme_Cluster_Break', 'auxiliary/GraphemeBreakProperty');
enumerated-property(1, 'None', 'Numeric_Type', 'extracted/DerivedNumericType');
unless $less {
binary-property(1, 'emoji/emoji-data');
binary-property(1, 'DerivedCoreProperties');
enumerated-property(1, 'Other', 'Word_Break', 'auxiliary/WordBreakProperty');
enumerated-property(1, 'Other', 'Line_Break', 'LineBreak');
# Not needed, in UnicodeData ?
# Also we don't account for this case where we try and add a property that already exists
binary-property(1, 'extracted/DerivedBinaryProperties');
#NameAlias("NameAlias", "NameAliases" );
unless $nomake {
my $var = q:to/END2/;
int main (void) {
printf("index %i\n", point_index['6']);
printf("%lli\n", Numeric_Value_Numerator[mybitfield[point_index['6']].Numeric_Value_Numerator]);
unsigned int cp = 0x28;
int index = point_index[cp];
if ( index > max_bitfield_index ) {
printf("Character has no values we know of\n");
return 1;
printf("Index: %i", index);
unsigned int num = mybitfield[index].Grapheme_Cluster_Break;
printf("GCB enum %i\n", num);
char * str = Grapheme_Cluster_Break[num];
printf("GCB = %s\n", str);
printf("U+%X Bidi_Mirrored: %i\n", cp, mybitfield[index].Bidi_Mirrored );
my $bitfield_c = ⟅make-enums(), make-bitfield-rows(), make-point-index(), $var⟆;
note "Saving bitfield.c…";
spurt "bitfield.c", $bitfield_c;
say "Took {now - INIT now} seconds.";
sub dump {
say 'Dumping %points';
Dump-Range(900..1000, %points);
sub DerivedNumericValues ( Str $filename ) {
my %numerator-seen;
my %denominator-seen;
for slurp-lines($filename) {
next if skip-line($_);
my @parts = .split-trim(/';'|'#'/);
my $number = @parts[3];
my $cp = @parts[0];
my ($numerator, $denominator);
if $number.contains('/') {
($numerator, $denominator) = $number.split('/');
else {
$numerator = $number;
$denominator = 1;
%numerator-seen{$numerator} = True;
%denominator-seen{$denominator} = True;
my %point = 'Numeric_Value_Numerator' => $numerator.Int, 'Numeric_Value_Denominator' => $denominator.Int;
apply-to-cp($cp, %point);
register-enum-property('Numeric_Value_Denominator', 0, %denominator-seen);
register-enum-property('Numeric_Value_Numerator', 0, %numerator-seen);
sub binary-property ( Int $column, Str $filename ) {
my %props-seen;
for slurp-lines($filename) {
next if skip-line($_);
my @parts = .split-trim(/';'|'#'/, $column + 2);
my $property = @parts[$column];
%props-seen{$property} = True unless %props-seen{$property};
my $range = @parts[0];
my %point;
%point{$property} = True;
#say "Range: $range Property: $property";
apply-to-cp($range, %point);
sub enumerated-property ( Int $column, Str $negname, Str $propname, Str $filename ) {
# XXX program for @ references for ranges in the comments
my %seen-values;
my %points-by-range;
for slurp-lines($filename) {
next if skip-line($_);
my @parts = .split-trim(/';'|'#'/, $column + 2);
my $range = @parts[0];
my $prop-val = @parts[$column];
%seen-values{$prop-val} = True;
my %point;
%point{$propname} = $prop-val;
%points-by-range{$range} = %point;
# Eventually this may be able to be wrapped into register-enum-property
my %enum = register-enum-property($propname, $negname, %seen-values);
for %points-by-range.keys -> $range {
%points-by-range{$range}{$propname} = %enum{%points-by-range{$range}{$propname}};
apply-to-cp($range, %points-by-range{$range});
sub register-binary-property (+@names) {
for @names -> $name {
die if $name !~~ Str;
note "Registering binary property $name";
if %binary-properties{$name}.defined {
note "Tried to add $name but binary property already exists";
%binary-properties{$name} = name => $name, bitwidth => 1;
%all-properties{$name} = %binary-properties{$name};
sub compute-bitwidth ( Int $max ) {
# Eventually we will make a multi that can take ints
sub register-enum-property (Str $propname, $negname, %seen-values) {
my %enum;
say Dump %seen-values;
my $type = $negname.WHAT.^name;
note "Registering type $type enum property $propname";
# Start the enum values at 0
my Int $number = 0;
# Our false name we got should be number 0, and will be different depending on the category
if $type eq 'Str' {
%enum{$negname} = $number++;
say Dump %enum;
say Dump %seen-values;
for %seen-values.keys.sort {
%enum{$_} = $number++;
say Dump %enum;
elsif $type eq 'Int' {
for %seen-values.keys.sort({$^a.Int cmp $^b.Int}) {
%enum{$_} = $number++;
else {
die "Don't know how to register enum property of type '$type'";
die "Don't see any 0 value for the enum, neg should be $negname" unless any(%enum.values) == 0;
my Int $max = $number - 1;
say %enum.perl;
%enumerated-properties{$propname} = %enum;
%enumerated-properties{$propname}<name> = $propname;
%enumerated-properties{$propname}<bitwidth> = compute-bitwidth($max);
%enumerated-properties{$propname}<type> = $type;
%all-properties{$propname} = %enumerated-properties{$propname};
return %enum;
sub tweak_nfg_qc {
note "Tweaking NFG_QC…";
# See
quietly for %points.keys -> $code {
die %points{$code}.perl if $code.defined.not;
# \r
if ($code == 0x0D) {
%points{$code}<NFG_QC> = False;
# SpacingMark, and a couple of specials
elsif (%points{$code}<gencat_name> eq 'Mc' || $code == 0x0E33 || $code == 0x0EB3) {
%points{$code}<NFG_QC> = False;
# For now set all Emoji to NFG_QC 0
# Eventually we will only want to set the ones that are NOT specified
# as ZWJ sequences
for <Grapheme_Cluster_Break Emoji Hangul_Syllable_Type> -> $prop {
%points{$code}<NFG_QC>= False if %points{$code}{$prop};
sub slurp-lines ( Str $filename ) returns Seq {
note "Reading $filename.txt…";
"$folder/$filename.txt".IO.slurp.lines orelse die;
multi sub prefix:< ¿ > ( Str $str ) { $str.defined and $str ne '' ?? True !! False }
multi sub prefix:< ¿ > ( Bool $bool ) { $bool.defined and $bool != False }
sub infix:< =? > ($left is rw, $right) { $left = $right if ¿$right }
sub infix:< ?= > ($left is rw, $right) { $left = $right if ¿$left }
sub skip-line ( Str $line ) {
$line.starts-with('#') or $line.match(/^\s*$/) ?? True !! False;
sub NameAlias ( Str $property, Str $file ) {
for slurp-lines $file {
next if skip-line($_);
my @parts = .split-trim(';');
my %hash;
%hash{$property}{@parts[1]}<type> = @parts[2];
apply-to-cp(@parts[0], %hash)
sub UnicodeData ( Str $file, Bool $less = False ) {
register-binary-property(<NFD_QC NFC_QC NFKD_QC NFG_QC Any Bidi_Mirrored>);
my %seen-ccc;
for slurp-lines $file {
next if skip-line($_);
my @parts = .split(';');
my ($code-str, $name, $gencat, $ccclass, $bidiclass, $decmpspec,
$num1, $num2, $num3, $bidimirrored, $u1name, $isocomment,
$suc, $slc, $stc) = @parts;
my $cp = :16($code-str);
next if $cp > 1000 and $less;
if ($name eq '<control>' ) {
$name = sprintf '<control-%.4X>', $cp;
#return if $cp > 1000;
my %hash;
%hash<Unicode_1_Name> =? $u1name;
%hash<name> =? $name;
%hash<gencat_name> =? $gencat;
%hash<General_Category> =? $gencat;
if $ccclass {
%seen-ccc{$ccclass} = True unless %seen-ccc{$ccclass}:exists;
%hash<Canonical_Combining_Class> = $ccclass.Int;
%hash<Bidi_Class> =? $bidiclass;
%hash<suc> = :16($suc) if ¿$suc;
%hash<slc> = :16($slc) if ¿$slc;
%hash<stc> = :16($stc) if ¿$stc;
%hash<NFD_QC> = True;
%hash<NFC_QC> = True;
%hash<NFKD_QC> = True;
%hash<NFG_QC> = True;
%hash<Any> = True;
%hash<Bidi_Mirrored> = True if $bidimirrored eq 'Y';
if $decmpspec {
my @dec = $decmpspec.split(' ');
if @dec[0].match(/'<'\w+'>'/) {
%decomp_spec{$cp}<type> = @dec.shift;
else {
%decomp_spec{$cp}<type> = 'Canonical';
%decomp_spec{$cp}<mapping> = @dec.».parse-base(16);
apply-to-cp($code-str, %hash);
# For now register it as a string enum, will change when a register-enum-property multi is made
register-enum-property("Canonical_Combining_Class", 0, %seen-ccc);
sub apply-to-cp (Str $range-str, Hash $hashy) {
my $range;
# If it contains .. then it is a range
if $range-str.match(/ ^ ( <:AHex>+ ) '..' ( <:AHex>+ ) $ /) {
$range = :16(~$0), :16(~$1);
# Otherwise there's only one point
elsif $range-str.match(/ ^ (<:AHex>+) $ /) {
$_ = :16(~$0);
$range =$_, $_);
else {
die "Unknown range '$range-str'";
for $range.lazy -> $cp {
apply-to-points($cp, $hashy);
sub apply-to-points (Int $cp, Hash $hashy) {
state $lock =;
for $hashy.keys -> $key {
if !defined %points{$cp}{$key} {
%points{$cp}{$key} = $hashy{$key};
else {
for $hashy{$key}.keys -> $key2 {
if !defined %points{$cp}{$key}{$key2} {
#say sprintf "U+%X key: %s key2 %s", $cp, $key, $key2;
#say Dump $hashy;
given $key2.WHAT.^name {
when 'Int' {
%points{$cp}{$key} = $hashy{$key};
when 'Bool' {
%points{$cp}{$key} = $hashy{$key};
default {
die "Don't know how to apply type $_ in apply-to-points";
#%points{$cp}{$key}{$key2} = $hashy{$key}{$key2};
else {
die "This level of hash NYI";
sub reverse-hash ( Hash $hash ) {
my %new-hash{Int};
for $hash.keys {
%new-hash{$hash{$_}} = $_ if $hash{$_} ~~ Int and $_ ne 'bitwidth';
return %new-hash;
sub make-enums {
note "Making enums…";
my @enums;
for %enumerated-properties.keys -> $prop {
my str $enum-str;
my $type = %enumerated-properties{$prop}<type>;
my $rev-hash = reverse-hash(%enumerated-properties{$prop});
#say $rev-hash;
if $type eq 'Str' {
for $rev-hash.keys.sort {
$enum-str = [~] $enum-str, $indent, Q<">, $rev-hash{$_}, Q<">, ",\n";
$enum-str = [~] "static char *$prop", "[", $rev-hash.elems, "] = \{\n", $enum-str, "\n\};\n";
elsif $type eq 'Int' {
for $rev-hash.keys.sort {
$enum-str = [~] $enum-str, $indent, $rev-hash{$_}, ",\n";
say Dump $rev-hash;
$enum-str = [~] compute-type($rev-hash.values.».Int.max, $rev-hash.values.».Int.min ), " $prop", "[", $rev-hash.elems, "] = \{\n", $enum-str, "\n\};\n";
else {
die "Don't know how to make an enum of type '$type'";
#for %enumerated-properties{$prop}.values.sort -> $value {
# say $value
sub compute-type ( Int $max, Int $min = 0 ) {
say "max: $max, min: $min";
die "Not sure how to handle min being higher than max. Min: $min, Max: $max" if $min.abs > $max;
my $size = $max.base(2).chars / 8;
if $size < 1 {
return $min >= 0 ?? "unsigned char" !! 'short';
elsif $size <= 2 {
return $min >= 0 ?? 'unsigned short' !! 'int';
elsif $size <= 4 {
return $min >= 0 ?? 'unsigned int' !! 'long int';
elsif $size <= 8 {
return $min >= 0 ?? 'unsigned long int' !! 'long long int';
else {
die "Size is $size. Not sure what to do";
sub make-point-index {
note "Making point_index…\n";
my Int $point-max = %points.keys.sort(-*)[0].Int;
say "point-max $point-max";
my $type = compute-type($bin-index + 1);
my int @mapping;
my @rows;
for 0…$point-max -> $point {
if %point-index{$point}:exists {
nqp::push_i(@mapping, %point-index{$point});
else {
# XXX for now let's denote things that have no value with 1 more than max index
nqp::push_i(@mapping, $bin-index + 1); # -1 represents NULL
if @mapping.elems > 50 {
@rows.push(@mapping.join(',') ~ ',' );
#push @rows, @mapping.join(",") ~ ',';
@mapping = ();
push @rows, @mapping.join(",");
@mapping = ();
my $mapping-str = ⟅"#define max_bitfield_index $point-max\nstatic $type point_index[", $point-max + 1, "] = \{\n ", @rows.join("\n"), "\n\};\n"⟆;
sub make-bitfield-rows {
note "Making bitfield-rows…";
my %code-to-prop{Int};
my %prop-to-code;
my Int $i = 0;
my str $binary-struct-str;
# Create the order of the struct
my str $header = "struct binary_prop_bitfield \{\n";
for %binary-properties.keys.sort -> $bin {
%prop-to-code{$bin} = $i;
%code-to-prop{$i} = $bin;
$header = nqp::concat($header," unsigned int $bin :1;\n");
for %enumerated-properties.keys.sort -> $property {
%prop-to-code{$property} = $i;
%code-to-prop{$i} = $property;
my $bitwidth = %enumerated-properties{$property}<bitwidth>;
$header = nqp::concat($header, " unsigned int $property :$bitwidth;\n");
#say %enumerated-properties.perl;
$header = nqp::concat($header, "\};\n");
$header = nqp::concat($header, "typedef struct binary_prop_bitfield binary_prop_bitfield;\n");
my str $begin-line = ' {';
my str $begin-line_2 = "\},/* ";
my str $end-line = "*/";
my @bitfield-rows;
my %bitfield-rows-seen;
quietly for %points.keys.sort(+*) -> $point {
#say $point;
my int @bitfield-columns;
for %code-to-prop.keys.sort(+*) -> $propcode {
my $prop = %code-to-prop{$propcode};
#say "$propcode $prop";
if %points{$point}{$prop}:exists {
if %binary-properties{$prop}:exists {
nqp::push_i(@bitfield-columns, %points{$point}{$prop} ?? 1 !! 0);
elsif %enumerated-properties{$prop}:exists {
my $enum := %points{$point}{$prop};
# If the key exists we need to look up the value
if %enumerated-properties{$prop}{ $enum }:exists {
$enum := %enumerated-properties{$prop}{ $enum };
nqp::push_i(@bitfield-columns, $enum);
# If it doesn't exist it's an Int property. Eventually we should try and look
# up the enum type in the hash
# XXX make it so we have consistent functionality for Int and non Int enums
else {
nqp::push_i(@bitfield-columns, $enum);
else {
else {
my str $bitfield-rows-str = ⟅' {', @bitfield-columns.join(","), '},'⟆;
# If we've already seen an identical row
if %bitfield-rows-seen{$bitfield-rows-str}:exists {
%point-index{$point} = %bitfield-rows-seen{$bitfield-rows-str};
#%point-index{$point} = $bin-index;
else {
%bitfield-rows-seen{$bitfield-rows-str} = ++$bin-index;
%point-index{$point} = $bin-index;
#say %bitfield-rows-seen;
for %bitfield-rows-seen.sort(+*.value)>>.kv -> ($row-str, $index) {
#say "row-str $row-str index $index";
@bitfield-rows.push($row-str ~ "/* index $index */");
$binary-struct-str = @bitfield-rows.join("\n");
$binary-struct-str ~~ s/','$//;
my @array;
push @array, $header;
push @array, qq:to/END/;
#include <stdio.h>
static const binary_prop_bitfield mybitfield[{$bin-index + 1}] = \{
#push @array, $binary-struct-str;
return @array.join("\n");
sub dump-json ( Bool $dump ) {
note "Converting data to JSON...";
if $dump {
spurt "points.json", to-json(%points);
spurt "decomp_spec.json", to-json(%decomp_spec);
spurt "enumerated-property.json", to-json(%enumerated-properties);
spurt "binary-properties.json", to-json(%binary-properties);
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