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Last active October 15, 2016 20:52
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(ns vidiot.listener.paths
[cljs.spec :as s]
[cljs.spec.impl.gen :as gen]
[cljs.spec.test :as stest]))
(def path (s/coll-of (s/with-gen string? #(s/gen #{"a" "b" "c" "d"}))
:min-count 1
:kind vector?
:into []))
(s/def ::path
(fn [] (gen/fmap #(vec (take 5 %)) (s/gen path)))))
(defn subpaths [xs]
(-> (reductions conj [] xs) rest))
(s/fdef subpaths
:args (s/cat :xs ::path)
:ret seq?
:fn (s/and
(s/coll-of ::path)
#(= (-> % :args :xs count) (-> % :ret count))))
> (stest/summarize-results (stest/check `subpaths))
(cat :xs :vidiot.listener.paths/path)
(coll-of :vidiot.listener.paths/path)
(= (-> p1__38761# :args :xs count) (-> p1__38761# :ret count))))),
:sym vidiot.listener.paths/subpaths,
({:path [:fn],
:pred :cljs.spec/unknown,
:val :args,
:via [:vidiot.listener.paths/path],
:in [0 0]}
{:path [:fn],
:pred :cljs.spec/unknown,
:val {:xs ["d"]},
:via [:vidiot.listener.paths/path],
:in [0 1]}
{:path [:fn],
:pred :cljs.spec/unknown,
:val :ret,
:via [:vidiot.listener.paths/path],
:in [1 0]}
{:path [:fn],
:pred :cljs.spec/unknown,
:val (["d"]),
:via [:vidiot.listener.paths/path],
:in [1 1]}),
:cljs.spec.test/args (["d"]),
:cljs.spec.test/val {:args {:xs ["d"]}, :ret (["d"])},
:cljs.spec/failure :check-failed}}
{:total 1, :check-failed 1}
;; So that fails, let us re-fdef subpaths.
;; (I have moved `(s/coll-of ::path)` into the :ret)
(s/fdef subpaths
:args (s/cat :xs ::path)
:ret (s/coll-of ::path)
:fn (s/and
#(= (-> % :args :xs count) (-> % :ret count))))
> (stest/summarize-results (stest/check `subpaths))
{:sym vidiot.listener.paths/subpaths}
{:total 1, :check-passed 1}
;; Why does this only work when I place it in the `:ret`?
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