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Created December 14, 2018 20:17
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Dependent category filter navs
- this route is like: `/listing/[primary category slug]/[secondary category slug]`
- the secondary category nav should only show what is relevant to the primary category
{% set slug1 = %}
{% set slug2 = %}
{% set primaryCat ='primaryCategory').slug(slug1).one() %}
{% set secondaryCat ='secondaryCategory').slug(slug2).one() %}
It's probaby a good idea to cache this nav section so these queries
don't need to run on every page load. We'll handle the `.active` css
class with a `replace()` method on the cached content.
{% set navs %}
{% cache using key slug1 ~ '/' ~ slug2 %}
Primary category nav
- only show categories that have entries
- cache so these big queries don't need to happen every request
{% set allProductIds = craft.entries.section('mySection').ids() %}
{% set primaryCatsToShow ='primaryCategory').relatedTo(allProductIds).all() %}
{% for cat in primaryCatsToShow %}
<li class="active-{{ cat.slug }}"><a href="/listing/{{ cat.slug }}/all">{{ cat.title }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
Secondary category nav
- Only show categories that have entries related to
the primary category
{% set filteredProductIds = craft.entries.section('mySection').relatedTo(primaryCat).ids() %}
{% set secondaryCatsToShow ='secondaryCategory').relatedTo(filteredProductIds).all() %}
{% for cat in secondaryCatsToShow %}
<li class="active-{{ cat.slug }}"><a href="/listing/{{ slug1 }}/{{ cat.slug }}">{{ cat.title }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
{% endcache %}
{% endset %}
Now, on the cached content, we can replace `active-some-slug` with just `active`
for the current page slugs.
{{ navs | replace('active-' ~ slug1, 'active') | replace('active-' ~ slug2, 'active') | raw }}
Build a `relatedTo` param (array)
- the first value should be 'and' so entries must have cat1 *and* cat2
(default behavior is an entry can match cat1 *or* cat2 - more results)
- then we'll pass elements as the remaining array items
- we won't assume either category was found
{element: primaryCat},
{element: secondaryCat}
{% set relatedToParam = ['and'] %}
{% if primaryCat %}
{% set relatedToParam = relatedToParam | merge([{element: primaryCat}]) %}
{% endif %}
{% if secondaryCat %}
{% set relatedToParam = relatedToParam | merge([{element: secondaryCat}]) %}
{% endif %}
We'll use a criteria object for simplicity.
It could end up like this:
section: 'mySection',
relatedTo: [
{element: primaryCat},
{element: secondaryCat}
{% set criteria = {section: 'mySection'} %}
{# Only if we have more than just `['and']` #}
{% if relatedToParam | length > 1 %}
{% set criteria = criteria | merge({relatedTo: relatedToParam}) %}
{% endif %}
{# The list #}
{% for entry in craft.entries(criteria).all() %}
<li>{{ entry.title }}</li>
{% endfor %}
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