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Created February 9, 2023 00:10
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Marino Spanish theory

Marino Spanish theory

This documentation is based on my own interpretation of the theory as described in Estenotipia en Español, by Mario Ballester and Rubén Marino. I am not fluent in Spanish; I make no guarantees of accuracy.


S T P H * F P L T D
  A O   E U  

Initial Consonants

Initial Chord
b TP
c (soft), z SKW
c (hard), qu K
ch PH
d TW
f PW
g, gu KP
h (silent) H*
j H
l HR
ll WR
m W
n KW
ñ TH
p P
r R
rr WH
s S
t T


Vowel Chord
a A
e E
i EU
o O
u U
ea AE
eo OE
ia AEU
io OEU
oa AO
ua AU
uo OU
ie, ei AOE
ue, eu AOEU
ui, iu AOU

The word-final E vowel may be dropped except when preceded by L, N, R, S, which are all syllable-final consonants: sabe SAB, sane SA/KWE. However, when this final consonant is a cluster, the E may be dropped anyway: atarse A/TARS, meterle WE/TERL.

Final Consonants

Final Chord
b -B
c, qu -G
ch -FL
d -D
f -F
g -G
j -PB
l -L
m -BG
mb -FP
mp -FP
mbl -FPL
mpl -FPL
mpr -FPLT
n -FR
p -P
r -R
rr -FRPB
s -S
t -T
z -S

Prefixes and Suffixes

Prefix Chord
com TK
conC, consV- TK
consC TK-S/
const TK-TS/
contr TKR
encan, encon EFRG/
incon, incom EUFRG/
acan, acam, acon, acom AG/
recom, recon R-G/
repr, repVr R-P
des SKWR
ex STK
Suffix Chord
mos -BGS
ción, sión -GS, /S
cionar, sionar /SR
cionare, sionare /SR-S
cionarse, sionarse /SR-S
cionado, sionado /S*D
cionada, sionada /S-D
cionados, sionados /S*DZ
cionadas, sionadas /S-DZ
cionador /S*RD
cionadora /S-RD
cional /S-L
cionalidad /S-LD
cionalizar /S-L/SAR
cionalizarse /S-L/SARS
cionalista /S-LT
cionalistas /S-LTS
cionante /S-FRT
cionantes /S-FRTS
bilidad /-B
bilidades /-BZ
cionista /S-TS
aba AB
abas ABZ
lidad -LD
lidades -LDZ
Vncia /AFR
Vncie /EFR
Vncio /OFR
Vncial /AFRL
enciado, unciado /*FRD
enciada, unciada /-FRD
mente, miente /T
mentemos /T-BGS
mento, miento /W*
menta, mienta /W
mentar /W-R
mentarse /W-RS
mental /W-L
mentamente /W-LT
mentado /W*D
mentada /W-D
mentación /W-GS
mentaba /W-B
mentamos /W-BGS
ando, endo, iendo -D
fica /PW
ficar /PWR
ficarse /PWR-S
ficamos /PW-BGS
ficadamente /PW-T
ficada /PW-D
ficación /PW-GS
ficable /PW-BL
ficaste /PW-TS
ficaba /PW-B
ficarla /PW-L
ficarlo /PW*L
ficarnos /PW-FRS
ficarme /PWR-BG
fico /PW*
ficado /PW*D
Vstico *TS
Vstica TS
tivo /TP*
tiva /TP
tivamente /TP-T
tivado /TP*D
tivada /TP-D
tividad /TP-BD
tivable /TP-BL
tivación /TP-GS
es, ez Z
ismo, ísimo /SW
ado, ido *D
ada, ida -D
lógico /*LG
lógica /-LG
crático /KR*G
crática /KR-G
cracia /KR


Punctuation Outline
¿, ? STPHEU, STPH*EU (interrogación)
¡, ! STPHA, STPH*A (admiración)
" STPH-G, STPH*G (comillas)
- STPH-FR (with spaces), STPH*FR (without spaces)
... STPH-PS (puntos suspensivos)
(, ) STPH-P, STPH*P (paréntesis)
capitalize STPH-BG
all caps STPH*BG
new paragraph STPH/STPH
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