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Created October 2, 2019 13:54
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import time
import random
from hashlib import sha256
f = open('gov_officials_PK.txt')
ns = [ int(n) for n in'\n') ]
k = 1024
b = 2*k + 128
e = 0x10001
MASK = 2^256 - 1
def rsa(x, e, N):
q, r = x // N, x % N
assert (q+1)*N <= 2 ** b
return q * N + int(pow(r, e, N))
x_min = 2**(b-1) + 2**(2*k)
x_max = 2**b - 2**(2*k)
q_mins = [ x_min // n + 1 for n in ns ]
q_maxs = [ x_max // n for n in ns ]
# generate
def gen():
ms = []
dms = []
h = 0
for i in range(len(ns)):
n, q_min, q_max = ns[i], q_mins[i], q_maxs[i]
# base (m1) and delta (m2)
m1 = random.randint(q_min, q_max) * n
m2 = random.randint(q_min, q_max) * n
dms.append(m1 ^^ m2)
return ms, dms
# format to matrices A and b
def fmt(ms, dms, target):
y = target
for m in ms: y ^^= m
y &= MASK
a = [ [ (dms[i] >> j) & 1 for i in range(len(ms)) ] for j in range(256) ]
b = [ ((y >> j) & 1) for j in range(256) ]
return Matrix(Zmod(2), a), vector(Zmod(2), b)
tg = int(sha256('FAKE NEWS').hexdigest(), 16)
i = 0
while True:
t = time.time()
ms, dms = gen()
a, b = fmt(ms, dms, tg)
x = a.solve_right(b)
for j in range(len(x)):
if x[j] == 0:
print ms[j]
print ms[j] ^^ dms[j]
i += 1
print 'round %d - time %.4lfs' % (i, time.time() - t)
print x
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